Leggings are great in winter – they are comfortable, warm and fairly supportive for our legs and tummies. They help to hold in all those lumps and bumps. But come the summer when you take them off, you will find that your muscles have become "lazy". (The same problem occurs with tummy-tuck knickers.)
Your abdomen might be flabbier as a result of wearing leggings all winter, and your legs will not be as toned as they might otherwise be. This is because the leggings have been doing some of your muscles' work for them. If you wear leggings, try to engage your tummy muscles periodically during the day. Pull them in, release them about 50%, then hold. You could also try walking with ankle weights.
From the moment you start to exercise a muscle, it takes about six weeks before it starts to develop noticeably. Therefore, you want to reduce your reliance on leggings at least six weeks before the summer months.
Leggings support your quadriceps (thigh muscles), buttocks and core muscles in your tummy, so these are the muscles you need to concentrate on when wearing them.
Sammy Margo, a physiotherapist practising in north London, was talking to Leo Hickman