Andy Puddicombe 

Prepare the mind

Mindful exercise means practising being completely present and aware when exercising. Here are five elements to concentrate on

Prepare the mind illustration
Illustration: Andrew Baker/Début Art Photograph: Andrew Baker/Début Art

It's time to get yourself acquainted with the five components of mindful exercise. This will require bringing your awareness to your intention, breathing, timing, form and recovery during and after exercise. The goal is to try to attain a simultaneous balance of focused commitment and effortless relaxation. It requires a little practice, but the rewards of this approach might surprise you when applied either to our programme, or to your daily exercise or activity.


Physical exercise begins before you start moving – with intention. Understanding the function of the exercise, preparing the body, being confident in the required breathing, timing and form, and then committing yourself. After all, if you're not sure where you're going, and how you're going to get there, then you're unlikely to reach your destination. So train smart. Take the time to prepare mentally before each and every exercise. It will ensure a safe, enjoyable, effective workout – maximum benefit, minimum time.


During exercise, the muscles in the body require oxygen to create energy. The breath is crucial in exercising efficiently and effectively. A lack of oxygen will lead to tiredness, tension and even nausea; sufficient oxygen means peak performance and that feeling of being energised. So, take a deep breath at the start of each exercise, then focus on steadily exhaling as you complete the more strenuous phase, and steadily inhaling as you complete the less strenuous phase of the exercise. Whenever possible, avoid holding the breath while exercising.


Timing in exercise means being fully aware of your rhythm. Each type of exercise has its own natural tempo – some are best performed fast, some slow, steady and deliberate. Timing is often related to the amount of effort we put into the exercise. Try to leave behind robotic, tense movements, and develop a natural, flowing style, like a top tennis player in action. An exercise performed with the right timing will always be more effective than one that is rushed. So focus on the rhythm of each exercise, using the breath to help you.


Good form ensures exercise is done through the entire range of movement, targeting every part of the muscle, in the most efficient way. But good form is rare, because it requires focus, which most of us struggle with, so we forget to check our posture or alignment. For safe and effective exercise, give these your full attention. Think less about getting to the end of the exercise, and instead focus on the moment, bringing your awareness to each and every muscle movement. This is what it means to be mindful of form.


Recovery is important between strenuous activity and between different exercises. It requires an awareness of your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. In the pause between exercises, remain alert and focus on your breath and other sensations. Remember your breath is a barometer to your level of effort. Are you hunching your shoulders, limiting your body's capacity to take in more oxygen? Or even holding your breath? Both will create physical tension and slow your recovery. Good recovery is essential to remain injury-free.

Ten tips to take away

1 Learn how to meditate Sharpen your focus and relax your mind, through practising and applying mindfulness. Try the Guardian meditation guide online or download the Headspace app.

2 Clarify your motivation Decide what you want from your new exercise programme. Set off on the right course, and you're more likely to reach your destination.

3 Set realistic goals Avoid high expectations that will leave you disappointed. Take small, positive steps, as part of a longer, steady journey.

4 Get into a new habit Follow the "same time, same place" motto and find a time in your diary when you know you can make it happen.

5 Use your imagination By mentally rehearsing the exercise, you'll do it better – which means quicker results and greater confidence.

6 Think less, do more Even mental pep-talk can lead to lots of confusing mind chatter, so try to focus on what's happening in the moment. Let go of passing thoughts for a more focused workout.

7 Learn to be flexible Whether it's your health, commitments or injuries, it's inevitable that you might miss a day or two. Rather than beat yourself up about it, get back on the horse the next day. But try to slip into a routine.

8 Enjoy yourself While it's all very well pushing yourself to be fitter, faster and stronger, it's important not to lose sight of the inherent fun factor of exercise. If it feels like a chore, you'll treat it like a chore.

9 Congratulate yourself Remember to take the time to feel good about having completed your workout or exercise. This will make your mind feel calmer, more content – even more friendly!

10 Integrate your fitness As exciting and fulfilling as your workout might be, exercise should always be functional, allowing you to live a fuller, happier and healthier life – so look for opportunities to integrate your newfound fitness into everyday life.

• Andy Puddicombe is a co-founder of Headspace


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