Hieee – YA! And now, banish all thoughts of the Karate Kid from your mind, because this is judo. It's different. Based on the ancient art of jujitsu, it's more of a grappling sport – think wrestling rather than kicking and striking your opponent. The idea is to use your opponent's size, strength and momentum against them. There's no need to find a beach with a stump and perch on one leg, practising the infamous "crane kick".
The basics
Before you get to Olympic level, there are several stages of training to go through – junior and senior (age 16+) grades exist, all denoted by coloured and banded belts. The ultimate aim is to get to the dan grades, where you become entitled to the famous black belt and get to chop bricks in half. No, wait … that's karate again. In judo you'll learn how to fall properly and how to throw people twice your size across the room.
Health benefits
Judo is a great cardiovascular workout. It also improves strength – as a result of trying to control and dictate the movement of the opponent – and flexibility. The balance, posture, reflexes and co-ordination of a practitioner will be enhanced too. Dr Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, said: "Judo is a teaching for life itself and with it we learn to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles of everyday living."
Equipment, costs and practicalities
All you really need is a uniform, the judogi (a jacket and trousers plus belt), which it is very important to keep clean. Judogi cost from £20 for a child's size and £40 for an adult's. You'll also need to find a club where you can take part – there are loads. Try the British Judo Association's online clubfinder.
Trendiness rating: 7/10
If you can get away from the image of dressing gown-clad kids doing things in unison, it must be satisfying to be able to throw someone across the room. Plus it's Japanese, automatically upping its cool rating.
Inside line
Scott McCarthy, British Judo Association: "With weight categories, age bands, and clear progression pathways through the grading system, judo is a sport that truly caters for everyone – regardless of shape, size, gender, ethnicity or ability. The sport has something to offer to anyone who is interested in gaining physical skills, core stability, confidence, strength and discipline. It is an educational platform as well as an Olympic sport."
Find out more – British Judo Association, whose clubs offer a free first lesson and adult beginners courses. – Judo Scotland. – British Judo Council. – Judo Cymru.
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Over to you
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