Alexandra Abel 

Dyslexic students like me need more support at university

Some universities are better at supporting dyslexic students than others, writes a student blogger

Male student reading a book
Being a dyslexic student can be isolating if the support available isn't up to scratch. Photograph: Alamy Photograph: Alamy

During the first year of my sciences degree at a top university that prides itself on its research, I started to realise I could not read as quickly as other students on my course. When I went looking for help, a university welfare officer told me that this was not the place for me if I was already struggling.

The advice upset me, especially coming from a welfare officer. I was initially dismissed by the university disabilities office, but eventually underwent testing thanks to one of my tutors. I found out about my dyslexia after it had already affected my work. However, I still graduated with a good degree and am now studying an MSc in performance science at the Royal College of Music (RCM).

The RCM has a completely different welfare system; before my course even started I met with student services to discuss the support in place for me. The tutors allow plenty of time for tutorials, questions, and importantly, exam feedback.

Rachel Cooper, a student at RCM, was diagnosed with dyslexia in the second year of her undergraduate degree. She says: "It wasn't until I got to my masters degree at another institution that someone actually tried to make my workload easier. My study skills tutor now acknowledges that the way I work is linked to my character, so we have done lots of things on reducing stress, as well as reading and writing exercises."

Lynnette Easterbrook, student services manager at the RCM, says: "If a student is evidently struggling with their studies, there is always a reason for it, whether that is due to a disability such as a specific learning difficulty, or personal issues that affect their studies. We encourage students to talk to someone – their principal study professor, head of faculty or student services – so that they can find their way to the right support."

The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) says that not all disability offices at universities are equally well trained and supportive. Research focused universities have in the past been criticised for putting research before teaching; I would ask these universities to consider whether their welfare system might also be suffering as a result.

One of the problems, according to the BDA, is that few school teachers have had training in understanding and supporting dyslexia, and many brighter students slip through education without being identified. The BDA campaigns for training to be mandatory in teacher training courses.

David Smith studied biomedical sciences at the University of Portsmouth, and was diagnosed with dyslexia early on at school. He says: "Overall the support I received at university wasn't hugely beneficial to me as I had already developed my own ways of dealing with things, but I still really appreciated it.

"My word of warning would be, don't become too attached to the dictation software, amanuensis and extra time as in the workplace you rarely get these things."

Dr Anna Pitt, a researcher at the Dyslexia Research Trust (DRT), says: "It is likely that dyslexics who make it to university are adept at creating effective strategies to cope with less familiar tasks."

The DRT is working towards identifying dyslexia in children before reading difficulties even manifest.

Once identified, students at university who have special educational needs should get access to the right kind of support, such as tutorials and feedback on their work, guided by their individual learning style. This will put them on a level playing field for the rest of their studies, and allow them to develop learning strategies in a supportive environment.

Regardless of its research standing, a university is still a teaching institution, with thousands of bright students who have paid to come and learn. Some of them will be dyslexic.


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