Open thread 

What gives you nightmares?

Open thread: The myth of cheese dreams has been blown, but tell us what does make you have a bad night's sleep

Blue brie
‘Many still insist that eating a slice of brie before bed is likely to mean they experience scary dreams.' Photograph: Michael Powell Photograph: Michael Powell

The British Cheese Board has unveiled the results of a study which says that, contrary to the long-held belief, eating cheese at night does not give you nightmares. For years, the myth about cheese dreams has been kept alive, and many still insist that eating a slice of brie before bed is likely to mean they experience nightmares. Now that this study has refuted the claim yet again, we want to know what does give you nightmares. Do you have bad dreams if you have to much to drink? Does worrying before bed give you terrifying night sweats and a feeling of anxiety the next day? Do men and women have different nightmares, as has been suggested? Tell us what makes you have a bad night's sleep.


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