What is it? A way for you to be a member of loads of gyms all at the same time, you hopeless dilettante.
How much does it cost? I tried Class Pass, which is £79 a month. Or four times what my local gym costs me.
What does it promise? Access to a dizzying number of specialist fitness studios across London (or New York, or Chicago, or LA, or Toronto, for that matter) for a set price, bookable through a simple app. Nationwide, alternatives include payasugym.com.
What’s it actually like? In the last few years, lots of tiny studios have opened that exist purely to do one thing really well. Edge Cycle is one, Bootcamp Pilates another. But joining one of them can be limiting, and joining more is expensive. Both places I just mentioned are included in Class Pass, as are weightlifting centres, British Military Fitness spots and a near-infinite number of yoga places.
It’s a nice idea, but it’s nothing like perfect: by flitting around so much, I wasn’t getting the concentrated blast of improvement that I would with a single-minded training plan. Plus, going to a new gym for the first time is the scariest thing in the world. Join Class Pass and you get to experience that a few times a week.
Best and worst bit It’s a decent tool for beginners eager to try out a range of workouts before settling on one permanently. But if you want that, why not join a regular, catch-all gym and try out their classes for free? Plus, you won’t risk spending more time flitting between gyms than actually working out.
Is it worth it? Are you drowning in disposable income? Do you love being judged by receptionists? If so, this is perfect for you.