It’s official. The UN supported World Happiness Report delivered its verdict on Monday 20 March and Norway is the world’s happiest country to live in. Norway’s Foreign Minister Børge Brende welcomed the announcement earlier this week:
It comes as no surprise to sociologist and comedian Harald Eia that Norway have claimed top spot in the World Happiness Rankings. He claims that social institutions are continuing to serve the people properly, and while Norwegians don’t always show their joy openly, they are “happy on the inside.”
Norway seems a well run machine at the moment then. But what makes the country such a happy place to live in? We asked readers in Norway to tell us why they love their country.
Knut Walle-Hansen, 59, Oslo: ‘We go to work every day but come home to our kids every afternoon’
Our equality is unique. As in other Scandinavian countries, we dropped the polite form (German ‘sie’, French ‘vous’) around 1970. We go even further than the UK or US and would never *sir* anyone. But we insist on being polite and honest from our hearts. We go to work every day, and our production is efficient. But we come home to our kids every afternoon. We don’t work Saturdays. We cope with our impossible weather conditions, and the summers are warmer than you would expect. Yes, we swim in our fjords! Up to 22 degrees celcius in July in the water. But don’t tell anyone...
Anne Sigrid Refsum, 32, Trondheim: ‘We have so little to worry about’
I feel truly grateful to have been born Norwegian. As countries go it really is the golden ticket. It’s rich and safe and we’re probably happier than other countries because so many of us have so little to worry about. We should definitely be better at sharing our wealth and investing in a green future though. The way our country treats asylum seekers, especially children, is an abomination. And we need to start spending some of that oil money towards securing those surroundings that we value so highly.
Nils, 18, Bergen: ‘A lot of stress is taken off you when you know the state will help no matter what’
I think the happiness has to do with the low income inequality. When you know that no matter what happens you’ll get help from the state to get by, a lot of stress is taken off your shoulders. That way you can try to pursue your dreams and take bigger risks in general. When I see how the middle class live in the US I think that they would be dirt poor in Norway. Taxing the rich more money does not really change their happiness - redistributing it to the poor does.Mathias Engen, 37, Oslo: ‘We have a culture that respects women’s rights’
I would say women’s rights and free education is what makes Norway one of the happiest in the world. Combined this gives us people that respect woman and are able to think for themselves. When people own their own house, have free education and free healthcare it’s easier to make good choices with their lives. I don’t like our politicians too much. They are starting to care more about ‘being right’, than supporting a good cause.
Bjørn Ivar Bergerud, 42, Aurskog: ‘Our country is very egalitarian’
One of the main reasons is of course our wealth. The money we have collected from the oil and gas industry enables us to develop our welfare system. Compared with others, there are few differences between rich and poor (although the gap is growing) and we have a very egalitarian country (although there is still work to do). We have fresh air, beautiful scenery, low unemployment and many of us earn relatively well. All in all, Norway is a very good country to live in though I have noticed more racism, segregation and intolerance which is a problem that I think politicians should take more seriously.
Kirsten Rita Arnesen, 83, Bergen: ‘Retirees receive a minimum annual pension of around £18,300’
Our working hours are 35 hours a week with five weeks paid vacation (at least one week during winter) as well as major holidays like Christmas, Easter, Ascension day and our national holiday. All the social security privileges are unique and extensive for young, expectant mothers and fathers. Retirees also receive a minimum annual pension of around £ 18,300 (NOK 192.000), and we are happy to be far away from the world’s troubles of war.
Jonathan Roth, 35, Oslo: ‘Children are taught from a young age to have a personal relationship with their land’
People are happier when they have a sense of community and freedom from the pall of corruption going on around them. From a young age, children here are taught in communal social settings to have a personal relationship with their land and with each other. There is a real emphasis on ‘work to live’ and people really enjoy living here. Norway requires a big personal effort to make inroads as an expat, including language proficiency and engagement with cultural endeavours like cross country skiing. If you don’t try to put one foot in the culture, you have no chance.
Merete Ross Keim, 42, Stavanger: ‘We have a good welfare system and it’s a great place for kid to grow up’
There is a lot of space, beautiful nature with fjords and mountains that are great for hikes. We live in the area of Preikestolen and close by we have beaches and fjords, so feel lucky to live in these surroundings. We have a good welfare system, long parental leave and it’s a great place for kids to grow up. The school system could be better though and I don’t like the harsh political action the country has taken against refugees and their families.
Torund Bryhn, 48, Porsgrunn: ‘Norway has a quiet sense of presence’
Norway does not boast. It has a quiet sense of presence. And it is like a gentle breeze on a summers day. What makes Norway great is the vision that all have a place and are taken care of, while providing opportunity for people to pursue innovation and self expression. Technically Norway should not be happy as the country is in a challenging period, because we are an oil nation with low prices and unemployment ... and yet this is when we are happiest. Why? I think it is the collective resolve that we are in this together. We are now working to innovate out of this period just as we have shared the wealth of oil together.
Charlotte Flaatten, 39, Drøbak: ‘We are largely born and bred as socialists’
We are happy because we can afford to be. As a Norwegian you have all the opportunities and very few threats, because we live in a peaceful and secure country with a strong and stable economy. We have a firm belief in our system of government here and we are largely born and bred as socialists. We trust that our government will take care of us. That gives us a sense of security that allows us to aim a little higher and reach a bit further
Astri, 61, Halden: We pay our taxes with happiness because we have good healthcare
Norway is not perfect, it has its problems even if they are less than most countries. Most of us have economic freedom - enough to live quite comfortably with good warm homes, enough food, and to be able to go on holiday. We pay our taxes happily because we have good healthcare and good schools.We could be more open and friendly to new people though. We could also be more open-minded and probably smile more.
Robby, 43, Spikkestad: The work ethic is quite relaxed
The work ethic is quite relaxed and there is an emphasis on family activities. Traditions like Christmas and Easter, when shops are closed, are also very important for people to come together. The price of electricity and water is quite high, as are those for cars. There’s also a near monopoly by some large companies when it comes to food meaning less choice but high prices.
- Some names have been changed.