There have been quite a few studies recently that demonstrate the benefits of wine consumption, particularly red. Despite the many criticisms saying alcohol is bad for you, a consistent body of evidence shows that a modest amount of wine consumption is associated with reduced risk of heart disease.
For one randomised control trial carried out in Israel recently, a group of non-alcohol drinkers with raised blood sugar levels were asked to drink water, or a glass of red wine, or a glass of white wine, every evening for two years. At the end of that period, the people who showed the most benefit were the red drinkers, followed by the white wine drinkers, followed by the water drinkers, in terms of the impact on their cardiovascular system, as well as on their sleep. The researchers also did genetic tests and found that those who were slow alcohol metabolisers – which meant the alcohol hung around in their system for longer – were the ones who got the most benefit.
Of course, there are great risks if you drink immoderately. After a glass or two a day, the benefits drop off pretty dramatically and disadvantages start to emerge, particularly the risk of liver and breast cancer. But even the scary-sounding studies that you keep on reading about in the papers find that, with moderate drinking, there was almost no effect and, if anything, it was positive.
The current UK guidelines – which are much lower than in Italy and Spain – advise limiting alcohol intake to 14 units a week (or around seven 175ml glasses of 12% ABV wine). The problem with units is that they are almost impossible to pin down. The effect of alcohol differs person-by-person, depending on body size, gender, and also how you metabolise alcohol.
The sensible reaction to all of this is to not give up drinking wine full stop but rather to enjoy your wine, to savour it. Call it mindful drinking. We have a tendency to gulp things down, but if you slow down and really enjoy what’s in your glass, you’ll probably drink less as well.
I drink only red wine these days, having been persuaded by the studies, and I try to follow a 5:2 pattern, taking a couple of days off drinking each week. Lots of liver specialists I’ve spoken to recommend this, to show, if nothing else, that you can break the habit.
There also seems to be some benefit from drinking wine with a meal, as opposed to on its own. Part of this is down to conviviality, which I think is hugely important for our mental health and our health in general.
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