Robin Higginson 

Fitness tips: how to treat muscle pain

Applying heat and a little light resistance work will soothe your aching muscles

Woman lifting weights in gym
Research suggests one of the most effective ways of treating muscle pain is low-intensity weight training. Photograph: Getty Images

An old-fashioned hot compress
It’s easy to forget about simple home remedies. Applying heat to the area is an effective way to combat muscle pain. Whether this is a hot-water bottle or a microwaveable bean bag, it will probably be much more beneficial than a pricey foam roller.

Forget ‘no pain no gain’
The opposite is true for dealing with stiffness or muscle ache. Pressing firmly on tight, sore spots might seem tempting, but is most likely only going to give you short-term results and be very uncomfortable. Exercising, including light resistance work, seems to provide longer-term improvement and may help prevent recurrence.

Weight lifting (yes, really)
Contrary to popular belief, the latest research suggests that one of the most effective ways of treating muscle pain is low‑intensity weight training. Gentle strength work with a TheraBand, or lightweight dumbbells, ideally while guided by a qualified physiotherapist, can work wonders.

• As told to Shanti Giovannetti-Singh. Robin Higginson is a clinical specialist in physiotherapy at


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