Guardian community team 

Tell us: have you got a tip for getting yourself back to sleep?

Waking in the early hours can be problematic and we’d like to hear your tips and tricks for getting back to sleep

Waking during the night can be a problem, do you have tip to help you get back to sleep?
Waking during the night can be a problem, do you have a tip to help you get back to sleep? Photograph: RubberBall/Alamy

Do you often wake in the small hours of the morning and struggle to get back to sleep? Have you developed a particular trick to nod off again? Does counting sheep ever really work – or perhaps you’ve found that a certain type of deep breathing is effective?

Do you listen to a particular podcast at a specific volume that has a lulling effect? Or do you ‘go somewhere’ mentally, perhaps recalling the day-by-day itinerary of a memorable holiday? We want to hear all of your inventive ways of beating the 3am scaries getting yourself back to sleep, for a useful lifestyle feature.



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