Denis Campbell 

Obese told: It’s up to you

The most passionate plea yet by the Government to Britons to ditch couch potato lifestyles and become far more physically active was delivered this weekend by Tessa Jowell.

The most passionate plea yet by the Government to Britons to ditch couch potato lifestyles and become far more physically active was delivered this weekend by Tessa Jowell.

The Culture Secretary urged the large majority of people who do little or no exercise to start taking part regularly in such pursuits as do-it-yourself, walking and gardening to protect their health and their children's.

In an interview with The Observer, Jowell stressed that people must take much more personal responsibility if the growing 'obesity epidemic' is to be reversed. She made clear that the Government wants a public debate on personal behaviour on this issue when it launches its action plan in April to dramatically raise the pitifully low levels of physical activity.

It now sees obesity as a major public health emergency. It is 'a rising epidemic, and we need action by government, action by industry, action at a community level and by individuals', she said.

'That action will involve government removing the obstacles and enabling people to become more active and making clear this is not change anybody else can bring about for you.'

Only about a third of Britons now take the five half-hours of pulse-raising 'moderate activity' a week which Ministers recommend as necessary for good health. A study revealed last week that many toddlers now spend so little time playing and moving around that they risk becoming fat adults.

'Far too many people are doing far too little activity. The Government can remove the barriers, for example by ensuring that new sports facilities at schools are open to the public, but if we as individuals remain disengaged, then nothing much is going to change,' Jowell said.

'We have to create a culture of activity ... an active society, but that doesn't come simply from government prescription.' People had to 'take more responsibility for their own wellbeing'.

A high-profile campaign will try to persuade people to build more activity into their daily lives by highlighting that exercise can help cut the risk of cancer or heart disease, reduce the impact of osteoporosis, and treat stress and depression. The chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, will urge citizens to swap sedentary for active lifestyles when he publishes his forthcoming report into the links between activity and health.

Many find exercise off-putting, so the campaign will present it as fun, emphasising that short bursts can easily be fitted into a daily routine.

People can try, for example, 'getting off the bus or train two stops before work and walking briskly from there', said Jowell. 'It doesn't have to be all [playing] sport or donning Lycra and going to the gym. For many people that's just too ambitious.'

Health campaigners, however, criticised the Minister's stress on personal responsibility. 'Yes, people need to make a personal choice to be active but, if they are going to do that, then doing activity has to be accessible and at the moment it's very often not,' said Felicity Porritt of Move4Health, a pro-activity campaign group.

'The environment isn't conducive for people to be active because, for example, there aren't nearly enough cycle paths, and town centres are designed to encourage cars rather than people.'

But Jowell believes that the public will respond: 'All the evidence from Finland, Canada and New Zealand, the three countries that have succeeded most in increasing levels of activity, is that it can be done. If people understand the gains and understand the ways they can begin to act, then by and large people want to do that.'

Help the children - join our debate

The Observer is to hold an evening debate on Tuesday about obesity and what can be done to combat it. 'Growing Pains: Can Britain's Kids Escape a Fat Future?' will be held at RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London W1 at 7pm. The panellists include the Health and Sports Ministers, Melanie Johnson and Richard Caborn, as well as experts from the fields of fitness and diet. Tickets are priced at £6 each, including a booking fee. To book a seat, please telephone 0870 890 6002.


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