Press Association 

Chocolate may benefit the unborn

Women who eat chocolate while they are pregnant give birth to happier and more active babies. Chocolate also seems to benefit the babies of women who are stressed during pregnancy, making the infants less fearful, a study suggested yesterday.

Women who eat chocolate while they are pregnant give birth to happier and more active babies. Chocolate also seems to benefit the babies of women who are stressed during pregnancy, making the infants less fearful, a study suggested yesterday.

Scientists in Finland asked 300 pregnant women to rate their stress levels and chocolate consumption. Six months after the babies were born, the mothers were asked to rate their infants' behaviour. They were given categories including fear, soothability, smiling and laughter.

New Scientist magazine said yesterday: "The researchers point out that they cannot rule out the possibility that chocolate consumption and baby behaviour are both linked with some other factor. But they speculate that the effects they observed could result from chemicals in chocolate associated with positive mood being passed on to the baby in the womb."


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