Interview by Stevie Brown 


How healthy is Adam Hussein?

Do you take any supplements and vitamins?
No, but what I am getting into is getting a pint glass, pouring in two of those Innocent smoothies and filling the rest up with vodka. That way, you get all your fruit and veg for the day, and you get pissed.

Do you prefer healthy foods or fast foods?
Healthy food which is fast in serving. I am not very good at waiting for things. I am not really keen on burgers - it's just half a cow's arse in a bun - but Nando's is all right. Get a bit of chicken.

Have you ever dieted?
Yes, but that wasn't through choice but more starvation because I couldn't look after myself. But I am all right now.

Do you take any exercise?
As a band we do a lot of rambling. [Bandmate] Eggsy got us into that and birdwatching, twitching. I would say we are more healthy than Westlife.

What do you always have in your trolley?
Cheese strings, Dairylea Lunchables, Capri-Sun. I like those Matheson sausages, the ones shaped like a wonky knob.

Do you smoke?
Yes, lots - 15 spliffs a day. Is that too much?

What stresses you out?
My mother.

What are your riders?
Brandy. Sexy DVDs, but they never turn up. Doritos, the flaming hot ones, not the cheesy ones, because they're shit. And cheese strings.

· Adam Hussein is in Goldie Lookin Chain, whose single, R'n'B, is out on Monday.


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