Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

I have been cold now for 15 years (I am 37). In winter, I am always freezing no matter how many clothes I wear; in summer I wear five or six layers of clothing and a hat.

I am a 39-year-old gardener. My problems started 10 years ago with athlete's foot, then after an accident a toenail fell off and has since been infected with fungus. The infection has spread to my fingernails. My doctor has given me anti-fungal tablets, which I have heard are hard on the liver. I have been putting tea tree or Citricidal behind the nails, and the fungus seems to have blackened as if it is dying. One nail has fallen off and I suspect the rest may follow. Could it be candida?

You need to take anti-fungals internally, such as caprylic acid and grapefruit seed extract. To combat the candida bacteria overgrowth in your intestines, take probiotics, and to feed the beneficial bacteria you need prebiotics. Also, follow an anti-candida diet, eliminating all sugars and yeasts.

You should see a nutritionist to be sure you are doing everything to combat the fungus; call the Institute of Optimum Nutrition on 020-8877 9993. For topical treatment, there are many anti-fungal agents: give each one a couple of months' trial and see which works. As well as the tea tree and Citricidal, try Manuka Paint (from Victoria Health, 0800 389 8195, or kiwiherb.com, 020-8961 4410). Apply one or two drops behind the nail twice daily. Also effective is alternating Molkosan with Spilanthes, from Bioforce on 01294 277344.

I suffer abysmally from PMS. An enlightened doctor suggested agnus castus, which has been helpful but is expensive. Also, it does not help short-term memory loss, which is an aspect of PMS for me. I also take vitamin B6 and chromium piccolate.

There is a one-a-day Agnus Castus Vitex by Lamberts that costs £9.95 for 60 capsules, and is very reasonable for a high-strength preparation. I would, however, be inclined to recommend Nutrition Now PMS Support, which has agnus castus, black cohosh (another herbal hormone balancer), shave grass, a mild diuretic for bloatedness and cramping (which means you would no longer need to take B6) and chromium for sugar cravings.

It costs £12.95 for 60 capsules; the usual dosage is two daily for chronic PMS but after a few months you may be able to reduce this to two daily for the seven days before and the duration of your period. For your memory, take Eclectic Lemon Balm tincture. It costs £8.95 for 30ml. Take 20 drops twice a day. All products from Victoria Health (0800 389 8195 or victoriahealth.com).

I have been cold now for 15 years (I am 37). In winter, I am always freezing no matter how many clothes I wear; in summer I wear five or six layers of clothing and a hat. My problems seemed to start after visiting Nicaragua to pick coffee.

You may have a thyroid imbalance - ask your GP to test your thyroid function. You may not necessarily need to take drugs - it should be possible to treat through diet; contact the British Register of Nutritional Therapists (0870 606 1284 or bant.org.uk). In Nicaragua, did you use iodine to purify drinking water? Excessive amounts of it could upset the thyroid. You could have been affected by pesticides and herbicides while picking coffee. Homeopathy would help your temperature control and help your body eliminate a build-up of toxins and iodine (Society of Homeopaths, 01604 621400).

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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