After years of eating large quantities of garlic, I've become intolerant to it. Even a small quantity gives me acute diarrhoea. Any suggestions?
Garlic contains sulphur, which is broken down in the liver by a process called sulphoxidation. Sulphoxidation is also for metabolising sulphur in some drugs and sulphite preservatives (often in dried fruit and prepared salads) so you may have experienced symptoms when eating these. Sulphoxidation is dependent on the trace mineral molybdenum. Eat foods that contain molybdenum, such as pulses, lentils, sunflower seeds, green beans, eggs, potatoes, wholemeal bread, brown rice and take a multi such as Multiguard. Large quantities of sulphur-containing foods can upset the balance of healthy flora in the large intestine; so take acidophilus extra once a day for three months (supplements from Nature's Best, 01892 552117).
My mum, who is 57, has carpal tunnel syndrome, but is loth to resort to steroids or surgery.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterised by shooting pains and numbness in the palm, thumb and first two fingers. It is caused by inflammation, usually due to repetitive strain or injury. Vitamin B6 has been shown in many studies to help, and its action is augmented if taken with other B vitamins, particularly B2. Take 50mg B6 twice daily, plus a B50 complex, and eat some meat or oily fish, brown rice or bread, beans, lentils, potatoes, veg and fortified breakfast cereals. Avoid salt, tartrazine and MSG (this and the contraceptive pill deplete B6). High-potency fish oil (1,100mg), turmeric root extract (500mg), berries and pineapple will help reduce inflammation (supplements from Nature's Best, as before).
Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.
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