I keep getting athlete's foot from my gym. I wear flip flops in the changing room and right up to the pool, but I just don't seem able to get rid of it.
The trouble with treating fungal infections, including athlete's foot, with over-the-counter remedies is that, while the problem appears to clear, the solution is often only temporary and so frequently re-infection occurs. Since fungi are so common, complementary health practitioners interpret persistent fungal infections as a sign of: (a) an imbalance in the body's microflora, and (b) a weakened immune system. You need a good-quality probiotic which will support both the digestive tract and immune function. Don't waste money on probiotics that may not contain the quantity of replacement bacteria promised on the label. It may be a bit more expensive but Biocare's FloraGuard (£29.95 for 30 capsules; www.biocare.co.uk) is a clever supplement combining probiotic bacteria and garlic concentrate with a liquid formulation of plant oils to support healthier digestion.
To treat the existing infection topically, use colloidal silver (www.colloidalsilver.co.uk; £24.95 for 500ml) lotion, which works to disable the enzymes which many forms of bacteria, fungi and viruses need for survival.
I suffer from a build-up of ear wax which is difficult to shift. Can you suggest anything to prevent it and get rid of the current build-up?
Cerumen is the medical name for the yellowish, brownish waxy secretion produced by the sweat glands in the external ear canal. A build-up of excess wax can cause discomfort and hearing loss so it is important to tackle the problem. However, before impacted wax can be removed, it needs to be softened. You can do this using Hopi Ear Candles which you insert into the ear and light. As the candle burns, the warmth softens the wax. This ancient practice is not as alarming as it sounds if you follow the instructions and buy a brand such as Otosan (www.somethingforthewickend.co.uk; a pair of candles costs £4.65).
To prevent the problem recurring, use a supplement called N-acetyl cysteine, an amino acid used to break down mucus in the body - ear wax is basically a build-up of mucus and debris. This supplement is a mucolytic agent, which can also help prevent the build-up of mucus in other conditions, including blocked sinuses. It also supports the liver, which is a welcome side-effect.
I recently had some blood tests which showed that my cholesterol levels are slightly higher than they should be for my age (I am 45). I have already made the recommended dietary changes but is there a supplement I can take to help prevent them from rising again?
Most of the cholesterol in your body - more than 80 per cent - comes not from your diet but is produced by your liver, so you need an agent that will reduce this production without damaging that organ. The herb that does this is called Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu).
In clinical trials across America, it has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by almost 23 per cent in just eight weeks. Red Yeast Rice works by inhibiting the action of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that synthesises cholesterol in the liver.
Red Yeast Rice extract is now available here in a new combination supplement called CholestSafe (£19.95 for 90 capsules from Victoria Health; 0800 413596; www.victoriahealth.com). This formulation also includes antioxidant vitamin E and phyto (plant) sterols from soy which help keep cholesterol within a normal, healthy range by blocking its over-absorption.
My friend raves about flower essences, especially for her pets and children but I am wary of using them. Are they safe and which range should I try?
The one thing we can be sure of is that flower essences are completely safe because they do not contain what is known as a 'material' dose of the active agents. This means they will not interfere with any other treatments you may be using, which, in my opinion, makes them primarily a useful adjunct to other therapies. They are said to work on a 'vibrational' or 'energetic' level which will require a leap of faith. That said, I've used them on my pet, my child and myself and had good results.
Lots of people use the original Bach flower remedies but I favour the Australian Bush ones since they have been formulated to tackle more contemporary issues from sibling rivalry to low self-esteem and panic attacks. For more details of the entire range visit www.ausflowers.com.au.
Before following any medical or dietary advice in this column, please consult your GP if you suffer from any health problems. Susan Clark's website is www.whatreallyworks.co.uk
Life on the knife edge: the mole clinic
Everyone has their number one cancer-type fear - mine is skin cancer. I've got moley arms and I grew up in the Eighties when mahogany tans were de rigeur, and SPFs only really went as high as 8. I've got so many moles, I really don't know where to start. So I like the idea of the Mole Clinic, a one stop mole-check shop that does moles, and moles alone. You pop in - and appointments aren't always necessary - you strip, they take a close look at any moles they think are dodgy, and keep a record of any borderline ones, for future reference. They don't remove offending moles but they do refer you to someone who can. Kate, my mole inspector spots a dodgy mole on my upper arm before I've even whipped my top off. I strip off to my bra and knickers, and Kate works her way systematically around my body, marking the moles that she's not sure about, with a white Rimmel eyeliner. There are four in total, which is far fewer than the 27-odd I routinely angst about. Closer inspection with a magnifying camera and a Digital Video Dermoscopy (which calculates things like colour variation) reveals that of those four, the upper arm mole really is a bit dodgy (though only a bit); and so is another very small dark one on the back of my thigh. 'You must whack sun block on them, and come back in three months for a re-evaluation, though I don't expect them to have changed,' Kate says. It all takes about half an hour. A week later, Kate sends me a full report along with some lovely close ups of my suspect moles, which I frame and put on my desk.
· 9 Argyll Street, London W1 and elsewhere, 020 7734 1177; www.themoleclinic.co.uk prices start at £95 for the assessment of the first mole, and £5 per mole thereafter