Rachel Dixon 

How to keep your new year’s resolutions

Are you hoping to be happier and healthier this year? Here, you share your goals with Andy Puddicombe from Headspace, who offers his advice for making them happen

New year surfing
Have you resolved to take up a new hobby this year? Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA

Jay Rayner wants to get fit. Viv Groskop is learning Chinese. Tim Dowling is determined to stop buying shoes off the internet, while Lucy Mangan simply wants to keep the house a bit tidier. What is your new year's resolution?

Whatever the resolution, most people give up by the end of January - which is where Andy Puddicombe, the co-founder of Headspace, comes in. Andy is a registered clinical meditation consultant with the UK Healthcare Commission and a former Buddhist monk, and here, he offers simple, practical tips to help you stick to your goals.

• To purchase your Think Yourself Fit 36-page guide, please call 0330 333 6839.


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