Dr John Briffa 

Grains of truth

High blood pressure affects as much as 20 per cent of the population, and yet the solution is crystal clear, explains Dr John Briffa.

High blood pressure is a common condition, with some doctors estimating that it may affect as many as one in five people in the UK. While this condition is usually symptom-free, it ups our chances of succumbing to more sinister problems such as heart disease and stroke. For this reason, doctors tend to take a firm line with high blood pressure, and have a bewildering array of drugs at their disposal with which to do this. Once started, however, medication is usually given in the long-term, and for many is a life-long affair. However, there is good evidence that it doesn't have to be this way. More and more research is stacking up which shows that high blood pressure can often be brought nicely under control using natural, drug-free means.

Ninety per cent of cases of high blood pressure are described as 'essential hypertension'. In this context, the word essential refers to high blood pressure for which no discernible cause can be found. To the uninitiated, however, the term implies that there is something quite inevitable about the condition and that it is something of a foregone conclusion. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. There is plenty of evidence that blood pressure is intimately related to lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise, and simple changes here have been found to be very effective in reducing pressure in the circulatory system.

One study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 1999, examined the impact of three different diets on blood pressure. The test diets were a typical Western diet; a typical Western diet which was low in sugar and supplemented with fruits and vegetables; and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts, fibre, and low in fat, cholesterol, sugar and meat. Individuals eating this last diet (known as the Dash diet) were found to experience significant and meaningful drops in blood pressure, with some gaining benefit in as little as two weeks.

One dietary element that has long been fingered as a potential factor in high blood pressure is salt. Although the Dash diet study produced meaningful results, it failed to assess what impact, if any, salt reduction has on blood pressure. In a follow-up study, the Dash diet was reassessed, this time in conjunction with various degrees of salt restriction. Again, the Dash diet was found to bring down blood pressure, though the greatest reductions were seen in those who consumed the least salt. On average, individuals eating a very low salt Dash diet reduced their systolic (upper) blood pressure by an impressive 11.5 points. Eschewing salt whenever possible seems like a wise move for individuals wanting to control their blood pressure naturally. As well as avoiding the addition of salt during cooking or at the table, it makes sense to go easy on fast, convenience and processed foods, most of which have copious quantities of salt already added.

Apart from diet, the other major lifestyle factor that appears to be important for keeping blood pressure in check is exercise. Taking aerobic exercise (eg jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, rowing, aerobics) for a total of about 30 minutes on most days is likely to help reduce blood pressure. Taking more exercise may also help reduce surplus weight, and this is likely to reap dividends in terms of general well-being, too. Research shows that, generally speaking, lower intensity exercise is as good for blood-pressure control as more strenuous activities. Thankfully, it appears exercise needn't hurt to be helpful.

The evidence shows that a healthy diet and sensible levels of activity offer considerable potential for those keen to do what they can to avoid blood-pressure medication. Even for those who are already taking prescription drugs, lifestyle modification seems to pack a considerable punch. A report published in the American Journal of Hypertension found that individuals can often successfully withdraw from their blood pressure medication, as long as positive lifestyle changes such as weight loss and salt restriction are made. It's worth pointing out, however, that any change in medication should be made in consultation with a doctor.

For those seeking a little extra help in controlling their blood pressure naturally, dietary supplements appear to have something to offer. One natural substance that I like to use in practice is the mineral magnesium. There is some evidence a deficiency of this nutrient increases the risk of high blood pressure, and studies have found supplementing with it can reduce blood pressure in the long term. The normal recommended dose is 350-500mg of magnesium per day.

Dear John

My six-month-old son has suffered from eczema since I stopped breastfeeding him three months ago. I asked my doctor if it might be his feed, but he was very sceptical. He has given me a steroid cream for my son, but I am concerned about the effect this might have. Do you have any advice for me?
Katherine Russell, Maidenhead

Eczema is a condition characterised by patches of sore, irritated, red and itchy skin. Conventional treatment for eczema is based on the use of steroid creams, though these can damage and thin the skin in the long term. In young children, eczema is almost always related to food sensitivity. In my experience, the worst offender in this respect is cow's milk or cow's milk-based formula. Because the start of your son's problems appeared to coincide with the introduction of the formula feed, this strongly suggests that this is where the problem lies. Changing your son to a goat's milk-based formula (available from health-food stores), or a soy-based formula is quite likely to help control his symptoms.

As a natural alternative to steroid creams, I recommend a product called Allergenics. Allergenics is a natural cream which contains extracts of soya (soy sterols) and liquorice (glycyrrhetinic acid) which can calm inflammation in the skin, but do not weaken it. The cream also contains other plant-based substances known to help soothe and heal irritated skin. You will find Allergenics cream in good health food stores.

Nutrition news: How to live to a ripe old age

Health information is constantly telling us to eat a healthy diet, take regular exercise and to avoid smoking. However, do these lifestyle habits actually make any difference to how long we live? Research published recently in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests they do. This study explored the differences in life expectancy between a group of Californian Seventh-Day Adventists (who focus on health as a virtue, tend to be active, eat healthily and rarely smoke) and regular Californians. Not surprisingly, Seventh-Day Adventists were indeed found to enjoy significantly longer lives. The authors of the study estimated that healthy lifestyle habits appear to add a whopping 10 years to our life expectancy.


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