Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

Natural health therapist Emma Mitchell answers your questions.

I have lost my sense of smell, and have a permanent, synthetic odour in my nose/head. I am not pregnant, nor have I suffered head trauma; but I am on a high dose of oestrogen.

First , see your GP to rule out any form of tumour. High levels of oestrogen can affect the sense of smell - ask if you can stop for a short time to see if it improves. Vitex agnus-castus, zinc and vitamin B6 help the body balance hormones. Zinc deficiency can lead to a loss of smell. Oysters, herring, whole grains, nuts (not peanuts) and seeds (especially pumpkin) are high in zinc. Avoid processed foods and sugar. Blackmores Bio-Zinc contains zinc, B6 and magnesium (08707 700976, blackmores.com). A naturopath would test for lead poisoning, which could cause loss of smell. Contact the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (08707 456984, naturopathy.org.uk).

I returned to the West Midlands 18 months ago after six years in London. Ever since, I've experienced outbreaks of red patches around my eyes. I'm 34.

This sounds like an allergy. The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy (01974 241376) will help you find a local trained therapist. Did you change face, body or hair care products just prior to or after moving? If your immune system wasn't functioning optimally before the move, your body may have set up an allergy to the hard water or air pollution. Boost your immune system with Echinacea ACE + zinc, decrease the allergic response with bioflavonoids (Bio C 1,000mg), take essential fatty acids to decrease inflammation, probiotics to improve digestion (Acidophilus Bifidus) and try Jurlique's soothing Eye Gel. All from Blackmores, as before.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.

Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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