Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

I have severe dark patches under my eyes. Is there anything I can do?

I have severe dark patches under my eyes. Over the past four or five years, they've been getting darker and are black most days. I am sick of people asking if I've been fighting. I've tried various concealers but they don't work. My GP isn't clear at all why I have them or what to do about them. I don't drink caffeine or eat chocolate. I drink only herbal teas. I sleep an average of nine hours a day, so the problem can't be sleep-related. Is there anything I can do?

The steps you have taken are good - also try to avoid the computer and the TV. Reduce salt and protein intake, steer clear of refined foods and drink lots of filtered water. In Chinese medicine, black eyes indicate low kidney energy and the need for liver support. Traditional Chinese acupuncture releases energy blockages in the kidney and liver meridians; Chinese herbs would support those organs, too. Contact the British Acupuncture Council (020-8735 0400) for a therapist in your area; for Chinese herbalists, call the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (01603 623994; email herbmed@rchm.co.uk).

I'm a 33-year-old woman trying to conceive. I work out, have never smoked, drink very little alcohol and am generally in good health. I was recently diagnosed with multiple uterine fibroids. I favour the conservative 'watch and wait' approach, as the only treatment on offer is surgery, which has inherent risks. Since there is no other medical treatment available, could you recommend anything?

Fibroids are due to excess oestrogen; other contributing causes are stress, poor diet, obesity and hereditary factors. There is no quick fix, but your healthy lifestyle is beneficial. I recommend taking steps to rebalance your hormones through diet, herbs and supplements, and avoiding xenoestrogens in the environment. Reduce your intake of saturated fats (meat and dairy have synthetic hormones), sugar, alcohol, caffeine, exposure to plastics and chemicals, IUDs and x-rays. Adopt a high-fibre wholefood diet, with essential fatty acids. Use herbs to support the liver, so that it can clear excess oestrogen. Take soya isoflavones, Mexican yam and agnus castus to balance the hormones. Higher Nature (0870 066 0808) has an excellent factsheet and supplements.

I get cold sores on my lips every month when I get my period: is there anything I can do to heal them quickly or even to prevent them?

The herpes complex, or cold sore virus, lies dormant in the body and may become reactivated when you are stressed, have an infection, fever, trauma or are exposed to excessive sunlight or extreme cold. As soon as you feel the tingling sensation, apply Bio-Propolis ointment (by Bioforce, 01294 277344), which renders the virus inactive and stops it replicating. It acts as a local anaesthetic to relieve the pain, stimulates healing and shortens the duration of the sore. The amino acid arginine activates the virus, so foods rich in arginine, such as chocolate, nuts and most grains, should be avoided. The amino acid lysine inhibits arginine and helps to suppress the virus - this is found in dairy products, brewer's yeast, meat, fish and potatoes. Supplements of lysine (500-1,000mg daily) have been shown to prevent the reoccurrence of cold sores.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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