Introducing the subject of sex is rarely easy for parents of teenagers. Shambolic attempts to exploit the moment or find the correct tone are the stuff of routine, comedy pratfalls.
Now the government is to come to the aid of embarrassed mothers and fathers, encouraging them to be more open with their children as part of a campaign to reduce high levels of teenage pregnancies.
Inevitably not everyone approves of advice contained in the pamphlet, Talking to your Teenager About Sex and Relationships, that will be available in chemist shops from 5 March.
The suggestion that trying to convince them of "what's right and wrong" may "discourage them from being open" has been seized upon by the Sunday Times.
The paper quotes Simon Calvert, the deputy director of the Christian Institute, as condemning the initiative: "The idea that the government is telling families not to pass on their values is outrageous."
Publicity over the case of 13-year-old Alfie Patten, who is believed to have fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl, has heightened political concerns about underage sex and contraception.
The new pamphlet, promoted by the children's minister, Beverley Hughes, suggests that parents use the lives of celebrities as a way of introducing the topic.
Informal moments, such as when watching TV, rather than sitting teenagers down for a "big talk" are the best times for broaching the topic, it maintains.
"When it comes to sex and relationships, young people tell us that they would prefer advice and information to come from their mum or dad," Hughes said.
"We want parents to help young people to resist the pressure to have early sex, but also to explain the importance of using contraception if and when they do decide to have sex.
"Parents tell us they are unaware of the range of effective contraception suitable for young people; that's why the new leaflet will include a guide to each method and a link to find details of local NHS services."
On contraception, the new guide says: "Why not offer to go [to the doctor] with your daughter or encourage them to take a friend to support them. Or, if you have a teenage son, suggest he talks to his girlfriend about it and visits a clinic with her."
Talking openly about sex makes teenagers feel under less pressure to have sex and are therefore more willing to wait, the pamphlet says.
The emphasis on sex education in schools has been welcomed by charities such as Brook.
Catholic bishops have welcomed the inclusion of sex education in primary school lessons.
We are all, it appears, going to be talking a lot more about sex.