The NHS - past, present and future
It is a great honour to deliver the 12th Sally Irvine lecture. The lecture was established in 1994 to celebrate Sally's four-year presidency of the AMGP. One of the many highlights of a distinguished career which includes a wide range of non-executive roles and well known and regarded work as a consultant, writer and director of the RCGP.
I know and have worked with eight of the 11 people who have delivered the lecture. I had the great good fortune to work with Dame Rennie Fritchie, the first lecturer, in Gloucester. I feel privileged to be in such distinguished company.
The title of my lecture is the NHS - past, present and future. I will do my best to answer three important questions.
· How did the NHS do in the first 49 years up to 1997?
· How is the NHS now after eight years of New Labour?
· What are the prospects for the NHS in the 21st century?
First then, how did the NHS do in the first 49 years up to 1997? Before I attempt to answer this question I should make it clear that I have never been keen on nostalgia.
I have always tried to learn from experience but to live in the present and to look to the future. You will therefore not be surprised that I do not look back on a golden age of the NHS before the wickedness of modernisation undermined its traditional public service virtues. If I had to choose one phase to describe the NHS from 1948 to 1997 it would be relative decline. Throughout this period governments did not face up to the challenge of adequate investment in the NHS. As Derek Wanless' first report demonstrated the NHS had been starved of resources.
When I had the privilege to be president of the institute in 1985/86 I persuaded the BMA and the RCN to join the institute in a campaign for additional resources. It was an important moment both for the NHS and for the institute - the case was made.
However, no one listened. Until Wanless, governments continued to avoid the resource requirements of the NHS.
So the first of 10 negative characteristics of the NHS from 1948 to 1997 that I want to share with you was a shortage of resources.
The second characteristic is a service that was staff centred rather than patient centred.
Towards the end of the period this was increasingly challenged but the predominant theme was that the NHS was not primarily concerned about patient interests.
Two examples - first services were often not organised for the benefit of patients. Diagnostic and treatment appointments were often unco-ordinated. There was no concept of choice, there was little attempt to empower patients to play an active part in their treatment and care. Carers were often excluded from the process.
The second example is the issue of patient safety. I had personal experience as a manager of a culture, which placed loyalty to colleagues above patient safety, where clinicians were seldom willing to challenge the competence of their colleagues. Bristol may be the best known example but it was not an isolated incident.
The third characteristic of the pre 1997 NHS was very long waiting times.
Again attempts were made to tackle the issue towards the end of the period but the results were modest. Long waiting times with all the potential for anxiety, delayed treatment and poor outcomes were the best known feature of the NHS.
When I had the privilege of discussion with clinicians and colleagues from other wealthy countries in my role as King's Fund international fellow I was ashamed of the waiting time inflicted by the NHS on its patients.
Indeed, when I joined the NHS in 1969, and for many years after, it was not unusual for long waiting times to be a matter of pride. Some surgeons defined their worth and importance by the length of their waiting lists.
The fourth characteristic of the pre-1997 NHS was an almost complete absence of service frameworks.
There was little attempt to define how services for key patient groups should be delivered in accordance with best practice. Staff and patients did not have agreed pathways and standards against which to judge the services provided in their area. Professional bodies, voluntary organisations and patient groups defined their views. However there were no national service frameworks.
The fifth characteristic was limited opportunity for training and development and rigid professional and role boundaries.
For many years junior doctors worked far too many hours and their lives were dominated by service rather than educational requirements. Student Nurses were pairs of hands rather than students.
It was very difficult to establish new and flexible roles. It was very difficult for nursing auxiliaries - today's health care assistants - to move into professional roles.
Until the mid 1990's resources for education and training were not protected and in times of financial difficulty education and training budgets were often raided to support service provision.
The sixth characteristic was a lack of focus on health and a deep reluctance to even discuss connections between poverty and health.
When the Black report was published in 1983, it was ignored. I chose the report as one of the themes of my IHM presidential address in 1985. A senior non-executive in the region in which I was working warned me against championing the cause of public health and health inequalities. It was, he said, a career-limiting subject.
The seventh characteristic was limited development of primary care. General practice was recognised internationally as one of the strengths of the NHS.
However, there had been limited attempts to develop general practice and primary care services. For many years general practice was not regarded as part of the mainstream NHS.
Few managers chose primary care as a career option. Forms of service delivery were little changed from the structure introduced in 1948. The organisations responsible for general practice regarded themselves for most of this period as being responsible for paying general practitioners rather than developing primary care.
The eighth characteristic was a lack of attention to partnership and to the most important partnership of all - the partnership between the NHS and local government. Indeed the 49 years from 1948 to 1997 can be regarded as a lingering and painful divorce with three distinct phases. In 1948 local authorities lost control of municipal hospitals.
In the pre-1948 world they had been major providers of hospital care. In 1974 local authorities lost their medical officers of health, the Ambulance Service, district nursing, health visiting and community midwifery services.
In the early 1990's the vast majority of local authority councillors were removed from NHS bodies. Vital experience of local communities, social services, education, housing and environmental health was lost to the NHS.
The ninth characteristic was the record of the NHS as an employer. Roy Griffiths, who introduced general management to the NHS, told us that the NHS would never have the right relationship with its patients until it had the right relationship with its staff. We have considerable evidence of the record of the NHS as an employer and we know that working for the NHS has been bad for you.
The NHS was anything but a model employer with staff experiencing greater stress than other employees. There was a failure to understand the importance of good line management, of feedback, support, clarity, control, the organisational climate, the quality of job design and health and safety.
The tenth characteristic was that for the first 49 years of the NHS the focus and attention of most managers was on support and administrative services.
Very little management attention was devoted to patient care. Things began to change from the late 1980's onwards and there were always honourable exceptions but for most of this time it was not the managers' job to reduce waiting times, to design patient centred services or to implement National Service Frameworks.
You will understand now why I am not given to nostalgia. A reminder of the negative characteristics of the NHS from 1948 to 1997 that I have shared with you:
First, a shortage of resources.
Second, services organised for staff rather than patient convenience and a lack of priority for patient safety.
Third, very long waiting times.
Fourth, an almost complete absence of service frameworks.
Fifth, limited opportunity for training and development and rigid role and professional boundaries.
Sixth, a lack of focus on health and a deep reluctance to discuss the connections between poverty and health
Seventh, limited development of primary care.
Eighth, a lack of attention to partnerships and to the most important partnership of all - the partnership between the NHS and local government.
Ninth, a failure to understand the vital importance of the relationship between the NHS and its staff and of good employment practice.
Tenth, management attention focussed on support and administrative services rather than on patient care.
This is a stark account and it is certainly true that many of these things started to change before 1997. However, I think it is reasonable overall to regard the period before 1997 as one of relative decline.
For me there were only two positive characteristics in the period and both were at least partly the product of circumstances that it will be impossible to recreate.
The first positive characteristic was that the pace of patient care was much slower. There were far fewer admissions and much less patient turnover. Staff had time to get to know patients well and to focus on the essence of care. It would be impossible to recreate these circumstances.
A great deal of patient care is delivered in high-pressure environments with large numbers of short stay admissions. The circumstances in acute wards is entirely different to the early days of the NHS. However, we must try to focus on the essence of care and I will return to this theme.
The second positive characteristic was that people treated each other with greater kindness and respect. It was easier to do so. Targets were unheard of, rigorous performance management had not been invented. People were less driven to achieve. The circumstances now are utterly different. However, that does not absolve us from trying to behave towards others as we would wish others to behave towards us. Again I will return to this theme.
So much for the answer to my first question - how did the NHS do in the first 49 years up to 1997? Ten negative and two positive characteristics.
And so my second question: how is the NHS now after eight years of New Labour? My attempt to answer this question is more balanced with nine positive and seven negative characteristics. First we have resources - resources in Stephen Thornton's memorable phrase "beyond our wildest dreams". By 2008 we will be approaching European levels of funding. I did not believe that any British government would ever face up to this issue.
Derek Wanless' first report was a turning point in the history of the NHS and when I write my history of NHS management, Derek Wanless will be identified as one of the most significant figures.
To their eternal credit, the prime minister and chancellor responded positively to Wanless taking a huge political risk. It was an historic decision and an historic commitment. The NHS is greatly in their debt.
Second, we can see all around us evidence that patient services are increasingly organised around patients and that patient safety is given higher priority. The work of the Modernisation Agency has been of enormous significance and the service improvement movement has delivered great benefits in access, convenience and choice.
There is much still to do, but there are very few NHS organisations that cannot demonstrate real improvements in patient centred services.
Patient safety is given higher priority with leadership from the National Patient Safety Authority and the National Clinical Assessment Authority reinforced by changes in professional regulation. There will always be circumstances in which staff place loyalty to colleagues above patient safety but this is much less likely to happen today than in the old NHS.
Third, waiting times have improved dramatically. Many patients wait for very short periods, reducing anxiety, and pain and improving the prospect of a good outcome by earlier treatment. We will soon be able to look colleagues from other countries in the eye and not be ashamed of our waiting times.
Fourth, we now have comprehensive and wonderful national service frameworks in many areas and distinguished leadership from the national clinical directors.
Whatever clinicians feel about the government's reforms, and doctors are of course the most negative group, I have come across very few cardiologists or cardiac surgeons who disagree with the NSF for coronary heart disease, or very few psychiatrists who disagree with the NSF for mental health.
There is a remarkable and welcome consensus about what should be done and great improvements being made in service delivery with evidence of real progress in outcomes in key areas notably CHD and cancer.
For me the national clinical directors are the unsung heroes of the new NHS. I have had the privilege of serving in three versions of the NHS top team from 1990 - 1994 with Duncan Nichol, from 94 to 97, with Alan Langlands and from 2002 to 2005 with Nigel Crisp.
The best of these teams is the current team and the presence of the national clinical directors - clinicians of international standing and reputation is a vital element.
Fifth, opportunities for training and development are greater than ever before, new roles are emerging and professional barriers are coming down.
Junior doctors are now trainees and, on the whole, work reasonable hours. Student nurses are students not pairs of hands. Resources for education and training have been protected since the levies were created in 1994.
New roles, for example, emergency care practitioners, are emerging and best of all it is now possible, indeed common, for healthcare assistants to have the opportunity to enter professional training.
The NHS can take someone in with no qualifications and give them the opportunity to acquire a professional qualification, make a vital contribution to society and even earn a salary, which in many parts of the country, is a good salary.
Sixth, public health is at last coming into its own and reducing health inequalities is not only discussed, it is a mainstream policy objective.
The government's wider policies including the reduction of poverty and educational opportunities for the most deprived communities, have great significance for health inequalities as well as the more specific policies directed at reducing the health gap. I will return to the political courage gap on smoking. However overall the government's record on public health is a positive characteristic of today's NHS.
Seventh, we are beginning to see fundamental change in primary care. New roles for nurses, pharmacists and others including last week's excellent news about wider prescribing powers. Specialist GPs, Specialist practices focusing on deprived communities and marginalised groups.
A much wider range of services delivered often in a more convenient way in primary care. Primary care policy is now not just about paying GPs it is about building on the traditional strengths of general practice to develop and fundamentally change primary care.
Eighth, and I take particular joy in this, the NHS is at last learning to be a partner. In the most important relationship of all, between the NHS and local government, PCTs have delivered the best ever relationships with great benefits for health services and health.
The work now being done by the best PCTs and local authorities is outstanding and far better than anything since 1948. The current reorganisation of PCTs has the potential to undermine this progress and I will say more about that in a moment.
Ninth, while managerial focus on support services and administrative services remains important, not least on cleanliness and hospital acquired infections, managers are now at the heart of patient care working with clinicians to deliver patient centred services, reducing waiting times and improving health.
These nine positive characteristics are a major achievement and greatly to the credit of the government and everyone in the NHS and its partner organisations who have worked so hard to deliver change.
However, no human endeavour is wholly successful and the nine positive characteristics are, in my view balanced by six negative characteristics.
So what is not so good?
First, there is a real danger of losing focus on patient and staff experience and the policy on patient and public involvement is in disarray. Too much attention is given to means and too little to ends.
The objective of the NHS is not to introduce payment by results, or choice, or plurality as ends in themselves. The objective is to improve patient experience.
There has been so much change in process and structure that there is a real danger that the NHS will forget what it is all for! I was a fan of community health councils, which were abolished for no good reason.
The mechanisms put in their place have not worked. Patient forums have found it very difficult to establish themselves. There have been some excellent developments in patient and public involvement including many PALs services, the expert patient programme and some aspects of scrutiny by local authorities. However, overall the policy has not been a success.
Second, we have excellent national service frameworks and other national policies but there is no coherent policy framework. What are we trying to do? How does it all fit together?
Overall national policy appears to be a series of uncoordinated initiatives with very little idea of how the policies fit together and what the overall impact will be. Huge shifts in policy are occurring with very little idea of the results. What will be the impact of foundation trusts. How does that fit with PCTs?
What will be the combined effect of payment by results, choice and plurality? Where are we going with emergency care - how do improved A & E services relate to GP out of hours?
Third, there has been no effective financial strategy since 1997.
Certainly financial management has been better in some NHS organisations and the quality of local management will always be crucial. However, there has been no financial strategy.
It is almost as though the NHS was given so much more money than ever before that no one could believe that it would not be enough. There is every reason to believe that national policies have not been effectively costed. Did we really know how much the consultants' contract would cost, or the GP contract, or agenda for change? Were the waiting time targets costed? Were the national service frameworks costed?
Fourth, the current re-organisation is not coherent or well founded. Do we really understand what new PCTs will do?
Is form following function or is form being allowed to determine function? Have we really understood the danger of losing coterminosity between PCTs and social service authorities?
Do we know how to preserve a strong locality focus working with district councils in large shire PCTs, or have we thought about how small PCTs in urban areas could be preserved and work effectively preserving coterminosity with unitary authorities rather than abolishing those PCTs? And what's the hurry? Have we any idea what the staffing consequences and redundancy costs are going to be?
Fifth, the political courage gap on public health widened recently when the government missed a great opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to public health and health inequalities by a comprehensive ban on smoking in public places. There is no point having endless speeches on public health if we fail to take the greatest opportunity to improve health.
Sixth, I would very much have liked to be able to include the record of the NHS as an employer as one of the positive characteristics of today's NHS. There have been improvements. The establishment of NHS Employers is a very hopeful sign for the future.
There is much that is good in national policy - both in human resources policy and the employment aspects of choosing health. There is much good employment practice. However overall I do not believe that we have responded adequately to Roy Griffiths challenge that the NHS will never have the right relationship with its patients until it has the right relationship with its staff.
We have not given sufficient attention to the quality of line management. If the NHS is to be a model employer the most important challenge is to improve the quality of the management of our people, to support the team leaders of the NHS enabling them to create the right organisational climate based on feedback, clarity, training and development, support and access to high quality occupational health and counselling services.
Seventh, I am very concerned about some of the behaviours in today's NHS. There is bullying and harassment at all levels. The drive to deliver has become, in some places, an opportunity for inappropriate behaviour. Performance management is not a value free zone. Everyone in the NHS from the most senior people to the most junior are accountable for the way we behave towards other people.
Overall a mixed answer to the second question: how is the NHS now after eight years of New Labour?
Nine positive characteristics, seven negative characteristics. A great deal of progress. Much still to do.
And so to the third and last questions - what are the prospects for the NHS in the 21st Century?
Before I answer this question we have to be clear that the NHS in the 21st century will be very different. Early in the life of the government the prime minister said that the NHS would be about Values, standards, inspection, regulation and funding.
Very few people understood the full significance of this statement.
Now much of this new NHS is in place. As far as values are concerned the fundamental values of the NHS have been preserved - care and treatment available to all regardless of their financial or social circumstances. I have the privilege of being the national leadership network sponsor for the work on values and codes and we are working with the NHS to develop a statement of what the NHS is - an NHS pledge.
Standards are now in place - the framework developed by the Healthcare Commission, the national service frameworks and many other national policies and targets.
Inspection is now becoming a reality led by the Healthcare Commission and regulation is now becoming a reality led by Monitor.
And Funding - we have resources "beyond our wildest dreams".
You will have noticed that there is no reference in the prime minister's statement to provision. The NHS will not be a large number of traditional NHS organisations. The NHS will be a system of care delivered by many different providers including NHS organisations, foundation trusts, the voluntary sector, the independent sector and other statutory agencies.
There is no reason to be alarmed about the future. A large part of the NHS has always been delivered by small businesses - otherwise known as GP practices. Over the last 20 years a large part of long-term care has been transferred to the voluntary and independent sector.
We know about the future because it is, in large measure, our present and our past.
If we accept this context then I believe we can assess the prospects for the future more clearly.
There is good reason to believe that the nine positive characteristics of our present should continue.
First, from 2008 the level of funding available to the NHS will not continue to increase at the rate of the last few years. However, the shift from under-funding to levels comparable with other advanced countries has been achieved.
Second, patient centred services should continue to flourish and patient safety should remain a priority.
Third, waiting times can be reduced further and sustained.
Fourth. the national service frameworks can be extended, reviewed and refreshed.
Fifth, opportunities for training and development can continue provided resources are protected and role development and flexibility is likely to increase.
Sixth, public health can continue as a priority and public pressure will deliver what the political courage gap has failed to deliver - comprehensive action against smoking.
Seventh, primary care reform is unstoppable.
Eighth, partnerships can continue to flourish - particularly with local government - provided that there is a sensible outcome to the current re-organisation.
Ninth, managers will be focused on patient care as well as on the important issues of administrative and support services.
However the future of the NHS depends on confronting and dealing with the seven negative characteristics of the present:
First, patient and staff experience needs to be restored to centre stage. There is nothing more important. The annual patient and staff surveys conducted by the Healthcare Commission should be key sources of information. We must be concerned with ends and not with means. If reform does not secure patient and staff experience it should be abolished or changed.
Serious policy development needs to take place in public and patient involvement to repair the damage of the last few years.
One possibility, which deserves serious consideration, is that the responsibility for Patients Forums and the Independent Complaints Advisory Service should be transferred to local authorities with a patients forum for each social services authority. Local government has far more experience of working with local people than the NHS and already has responsibility for the scrutiny function.
Second, a coherent policy framework for the NHS is needed urgently. It is essential to make sense of the big picture - what are we trying to do? Individual initiatives should be assessed in relation to each other and the overall objective as well as in their own right. Real pragmatism is needed.
Public sector ideology should not be replaced by private sector ideology. Not everything in the private sector is to be admired. The test should be - what works, what improves patient and staff experience?
If payment by results works, keep it. If not, abandon it or change it. If choice and plurality improve patient experience - fine. If not think again.
All aspects of the reform programme should be subject to rigorous and independent evaluation with regular dialogue between the department, the NHS and all its partners, the Healthcare Commission, Monitor, the professions and the trade unions and above all patients and the public.
What is working? What is not. What should we keep and strengthen? What should we amend or abandon? What matters is what works.
Third, financial stability must be restored and maintained. Financial management needs to be improved at local level. Above all there must be a viable financial strategy for the NHS as a whole.
We cannot assume that a lot is enough. Existing policies need to be reviewed from a financial perspective. New policies should be rigorously costed. Financial control should be as important as achieving other targets.
Fourth, the department and the NHS need to pause to reflect on the current re-organisation of PCTs. There should be an open debate about what PCTs are for. Form should follow function.
If the debate reaches the conclusion that health improvement and the development of primary and community services are vital functions of PCTs then coterminosity with social services authorities should be sacrosanct.
Large shire PCTs should have strong localities. Small unitary authority PCTs should work together on commissioning. Effective PCTs delivering real change with their partners should not be sacrificed in pursuit of the holy grail of commissioning, or offered up on the altar of manifesto saving commitments. What matters is what works.
There has already been an outburst of welcome pragmatism on the role of PCTs as providers of services, it is not too late for pragmatism and common sense to be applied to structural change. Fifth, the political courage gap on public health needs to be bridged.
If the government is serious about health and health inequalities there must be a comprehensive ban on smoking in public places and a renewed commitment to the whole public health agenda. The opponents of the nanny state must not be allowed to perpetuate ill health and health inequalities condemning the poorest to poor health. Leadership is about showing the way, by going first, it is not fretting about every newspaper headline.
Sixth, the stated intention that the NHS should be a model employer must move from rhetoric to reality. NHS employers must be supported at the highest levels in the Department and the NHS to create the right relationship with staff, which will in turn deliver the right relationship with patients.
The right relationship with staff can only be created by focusing on the quality of line management and giving the people of the NHS what they consistently tell us that they want - feedback, support, clarity, training, development - concern for them and for their work, integrity, trust and respect.
Seventh, values are worthless unless they are lived. The Code of Conduct for NHS Managers and any product of the current work on values and codes should be lived at every level in the Department and the NHS. The code is not there just to be wheeled out to placate select committees or other critics of behaviour in the NHS. People believe what you do, not what you say.
If bullying and harassment is to be reduced, if performance management is to be a values based zone, then everyone at all levels needs to behave towards others as they would wish others to behave towards them
And so in conclusion.
I have no nostalgia for the old NHS - the NHS before 1997. I have identified 10 negative characteristics and only two positive. It was, in my view, a period of relative decline.
A great deal has changed for the better. I have identified nine positive aspects of the new NHS - today's NHS. We should celebrate all that has been achieved. However, I have also identified seven negative aspects that need to be addressed.
The prospects for the 21st century are bright as long as we understand the changed nature of the NHS and as long as we deal with the negative aspects of today's NHS.
Above all the values of the NHS must be lived in policy and behaviour.
Patient and staff experience should be the touchstone for everything that we do.
Thank you.