James Meikle, health correspondent 

Home fertility tests for men to be sold over the counter

The first over-the-counter fertility tests for men are being sold by Boots under an exclusive deal with manufacturers who expect women to buy most of them.

The first over-the-counter fertility tests for men are being sold by Boots under an exclusive deal with manufacturers who expect women to buy most of them.

The DIY home tests on the motility of sperm will only be available as part of a "his and hers" package, since makers Genosis insist fertility is "a couple issue". Women will be able to check their ovulation as part of the £79.99 package.

Less sophisticated sperm count tests have been available over the internet for more than four years and the company responsible for them, Med-Direct, said it was unclear whether men were interested enough in finding out whether they were responsible for fertility problems.

The new product, Fertell, forces sperm to swim through a barrier which mimics the cervix and measures the number that make it beyond this point. If enough sperm are counted, a reassuring red line appears.

Developers say the screening test should be seen as a first step in identifying whether there is a problem and that couple should then consult a doctor.

Scientists who spent seven years developing the test with Genosis said it was 95% accurate. Chris Barratt, of the University of Birmingham medical school, said it was straightforward to use.

"The man produces a sample, sets the device and within an hour will be able to assess whether he has enough sperm to fertilise the female egg," he said. "Having a simple home test also takes the pressure off men, who may feel embarrassed at the prospect of providing a sample in a clinic."


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