James Meikle 

Irish and Scots migrants more likely to die early

Irish and Scottish migrants to England and Wales are more likely to die early from a host of causes than those from other ethnic minority groups, public health watchdogs say today.

Irish and Scottish migrants to England and Wales are more likely to die early from a host of causes than those from other ethnic minority groups, public health watchdogs say today.

Mortality rates are worse than those in communities more recognised for poor health such as Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, according to a report likely to prompt new questions about "hidden" public health problems.

Research by the London Public Health Observatory for the chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, criticises standards of ethnic monitoring as it confirms the propensity of people born in Asia, west and east Africa and the Caribbean to suffer strokes and heart attacks and of many Asians to suffer diabetes and cataracts.

The problems among Irish and Scottish incomers are based on analysis of census and death registration data, comparing results for different groups with those for the population as a whole. It covers people aged 20-69 and is based on country of birth, since ethnic group is not recorded at death, but may therefore have flaws.

The figures show higher mortality among Irish and Scots from all causes and from cancer. Mary Tilki, chairwoman of the Federation of Irish Societies, said: "Although the Irish population is an ageing one, that alone does not explain the high levels of long-term illness experienced by Irish people. The health of men is a particular concern. Community organisations have concerns about the long-term effect of a lifetime in the building trade.

"The incidence of mental illness is comparable to those of other ethnic minority groups and suicide rates are 53%-75% higher than in other groups or the England and Wales population."

Dr Tilki, principal lecturer in health and social care at Middlesex University, north London, said: "Irish people make fewer visits to GPs, but when they do, it is for more serious conditions, and they are more likely to use A&E departments, pharmacists, social workers or advice agencies, suggesting they may be reluctant to access services ... surveys within the community suggest the first question is 'How much do you drink?'. If one admits to drinking alcohol, and even if one doesn't, the problem is pinned on alcohol, and the underlying problem is not considered."

Laurence Gruer, director of public health science at NHS Scotland, said: "We are constantly asking ourselves why Scotland's health particularly is so bad ... one idea put forward is that Scots who emigrate may be the healthy ones, leaving behind a residue of the weak and infirm. This finding may contradict that.

"Is there some genetic component or is it something that happens in childhood or even before that in pregnancy?"

The study confirms how much the NHS depends on workers from minority groups: 40% of medical workers in England come from a minority background.


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