I am 58, and have been experiencing strange feelings. Our cat died suddenly last year, then my mother passed away, and it is taking time to come to terms with these losses. The feelings last two to three minutes. I sometimes hear voices that trigger off sickness and make me feel faint, and I have a nasty taste in my mouth. I bought ylang ylang, but it made no difference. I cycle, eat lots of fruit, drink no alcohol and have only two cups of coffee a day.
It sounds as if you're having panic attacks. The taste is probably caused by excess adrenaline, because your adrenal glands work overtime during attacks. Tell your GP, as your losses may have triggered a bout of depression; also, try counselling. Learn relaxation and meditation techniques to use at home. Instead of ylang ylang, use pure undiluted lavender oil (from NHR, 0845 310 8066): when you feel an attack coming on, rub three or four drops on your chest and neck, then take deep, slow breaths from your abdomen. The Star Of Bethlehem flower remedy (Bach Flower Remedies, 020-7495 2404) also helps with bereavement. Carry this and the lavender oil with you at all times. For support, information and self-help advice, contact Depression Alliance on 020-7633 0557 (depressionalliance.org).
For the past few years, I have suffered from red, irritated eyes. My GP has told me that it is allergy-related. No eye drops have fully cured it, and I wake up with yellow, crusty muck in my eyes, and they seem to weep throughout the day. Can you recommend something for the weeping, and to banish the unattractive redness from my eyes?
Your symptoms do indicate an allergy problem, and the best way to tackle it is to first discover what you are allergic to. It might be something you are eating, or irritating substances such as pollen, house dust, fumes, smoke or chemicals. Ask your GP to refer you for allergy testing, or contact the British Institute For Allergy And Environmental Therapy (01974 241376), which can offer homeopathic desensitising treatment. Make an eye bath by adding two drops of the mother tincture (or primary solutions) of the herb euphrasia (or eyebright; available from Nelsonbach, 020-7495 2404) to cooled boiled water and, using cotton wool, wash your eyes morning and evening. Vitamin A (15,000ius), vitamin C (2,000mg a day), zinc (50mg) and vitamin B2 (50mg) as part of a B-complex supplement will help, too.
I had a vaginal repair in July 2001, and my GP says the scar is raised, so that it bleeds after sex and horseriding. She says I could have it dealt with surgically, but I don't want that. Would oil of rosa mosqueta or Rosa Fina help?
Rosa mosqueta oil is well known for being very good at healing scars. Rosa Fina Intensive Radiance Oil (Barefoot Botanicals, 0870 220 2273) is a blend of this oil with vitamin E oil, calendula, essential oils and other organic ingredients, all of which aid the healing of raised scar tissue. Apply a couple of drops once a day. You could also prick open a vitamin E oil capsule, and apply this to the scar before horseriding and sex, to reduce friction and damage. An old wives' tale is that the inside of the skins of fruit such as papaya, banana and mango contain enzymes that gently 'eat away' scar tissue, so you could also try rubbing this on twice a week - it may well make the scar less raised.
· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Her recommendations are to be followed in conjunction with advice from your own healthcare provider. Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com