"To work in sexual and reproductive health and rights is to be drip-fed a diet of warnings, doom-laden data on violence, population and epidemics; no wonder we have forgotten a central truth about sex – namely that it is pleasurable," writes Doortje Braeken, from the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Does sex education focus too much on the mechanics of sex? How we can give young people better sex education? How can it be made more gay friendly and culturally sensitive?
These are some of the questions we will be exploring during a live online discussion on Wednesday 1 May from 12 till 2pm. Throughout the year, the Young People's Sexual Health Matters series has looked at how sex education and sexual health services can be broadened and made more inclusive. The aim of the series has been to look at what professionals, parents and young people themselves can do to work together to deliver the services young people want and need.
In the final live discussion of the series we will bring the different threads together and ask where do services go from here. What can we do to make sure that the education and services we provide for all young people enable them to have a lifetime of healthy and happy sex?
You can send us your questions or thoughts ahead of the debate via Twitter at @GdnSocialCare, Facebook or email at socialcare@theguardian.com.
The panel includes
• Doortje Braeken is senior adviser on adolescents and young people at IPPF
• Chelsea Ricker is a youth officer at IPPF
• Jane Lees is chair of the Sex Education Forum
• Alice Hoyle is an experienced SRE professional and member of PSHE Association's advisory council
• Tom Sherrington is headteacher at King Edward VI Grammar School in Chelmsford
• Emma Rubach is head of editorial at YouthNet
• Anne Philpott is the founder of the Pleasure Project
• Alice Sholl is a student at the University of Liverpool and writes about sex education
• Jennifer Hill is an education and training professional for Brook East Of England