The self-doubter
Lucy Davies, 37, lives in London with Chloe, her six-year-old daughter. Lucy works in PR
One day Lucy Davies feels happy, the next suddenly 'dipped in depression'. 'It sounds really stupid, but I have two sides to me,' she explains. 'Sometimes I'm very confident, but at other times I feel very miserable and I just can't see a way out. I feel as if I've made some bad decisions in my life, done things the wrong way round and made things difficult for myself. It's strange because while I have achieved a lot in my life and have friends and family to whom I'm very close, I feel I still have a long way to go. I also think I should be more grateful for what I have - there are loads of people in similar situations to me who are far worse off.'
Lucy, who works in financial PR for a London advertising agency, dates her feelings of low self-confidence to the break-up of her marriage four years ago. 'When any relationship falters painful accusations are hurled, and I've found it hard to rebuild my confidence. It's easy to slip into feeling worthless.'
She is now in a long-term relationship with Leo, 34. 'I have definitely found the love of my life,' she says. 'He's gorgeous and he makes me very happy.' But, like any couple, they face their challenges. First, Lucy admits that 'there is a bit of jealousy on both sides. Although we're very committed to each other there is always the fear of loss. I am sure that to some degree this is usual, but I do spend too much time worrying - and I wish I wouldn't.' Second, there are practical considerations. Leo works abroad for months at a time. She admits that while they have a passionate, loving relationship, the pressure of the distance has split them up once or twice. 'I miss him the whole time and feel in some ways that my life is on hold while he is always away. I have a lovely time with my daughter and enjoy my job, but when he's overseas I feel part of my life is missing. Even though we talk at least twice a day I am always counting the days or weeks until I next see him, and I hate the feeling that I am always longing for something that is so far away.'
Lucy knows she lives on her nerves. 'I wish I could be more content and self-contained rather than always longing for him to be home. I don't want to look back and think that most of this period in my life was spent on hold ...'
Lucy's worries also express themselves through her fear of making mistakes. 'In the past I've jumped into relationships too soon, so I want to be very careful with this one and make all the right moves. Also, it's not just the two of us. We also have Chloe to consider - she's my priority and a really happy child. I don't want this to change. In terms of my career, when I had my daughter, I gave up my well-paid job to become a full-time mum. Looking back, that's when the sense of inequality started in my marriage, because I wasn't earning and it was very hard being on my own all day bringing up a baby. When we split up, I was desperate to work, but had to start at the bottom again.'
Working with Dr Funke Baffour, who specialises in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Lucy's main aim is to feel more balanced. 'I'd love to learn to be happier with what I have, and not be so up and down,' she says. 'I want to feel I'm making good judgments in my life. Sometimes I get confused and make panic decisions. I'm 37 now and I feel what happens next in my life is quite important.'
The expert
Dr Funke Baffour is a chartered clinical psychologist who works in London
After one face-to-face session, Lucy and I established what she would like to get from therapy - to be more confident, to stop feeling depressed and to be less stressed. She also wants to break the cycle of her need for control. For example, she said she won't be happy until she takes control of her life, and she describes experiencing periods of fluctuating moods.
For her, feelings of emptiness often emerge and she mentions she can't wait for her life to begin. She said she leads a very boring existence because she spends most evenings on her own and even though she loves her daughter immensely, she senses there is something lacking in her life. In my opinion that is the love she has for herself.
Soon after her divorce, which was a big blow, Lucy met her present partner, whom she adores and describes as the love of her life. However, her feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem often arise because her partner has to work away from home. She has expressed a wish to spend more time with him (ie. to travel with him), but that isn't possible because of her present commitments. As a result she often becomes disappointed with her life and wishes she could make it better.
Since the age of 24 she has been in long-term relationships; first with her husband and now with her boyfriend. During the period of her divorce, feelings of worthlessness and helplessness surfaced and left her feeling low in mood. Now, although she talks about her current relationship in glowing terms, such feelings still haunt her. Plus, she tends to value herself on the basis of what other people think about her and says that if she spent more time with her partner, she would be happy. However, I think it is not time with her partner that would give her the happiness that she needs, but learning to enjoy time with herself. During the times when she is alone she often reflects on her life and ruminates on the mistakes she feels she has made, which in turn keeps her in the cycle of fluctuating moods.
Lucy's interpretation of love is interesting and needs exploring in therapy. The main approach I will use is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in eight to 12 face-to-face sessions. When one experiences emotional difficulties, unhelpful cognitions or thoughts tend to emerge.
Generally, we all have lots of thoughts running through our minds; some of these are positive, some negative and others may be neutral. During times of emotional difficulty, the content of your thoughts can be overwhelmingly negative and it is then that you feel that you cannot cope with the world around you. CBT helps people to identify these thoughts as well as testing the meaning and value of them. It is important to mention that CBT is one method that can be used, but there are a number of psychological approaches that could be used to interpret Lucy's problems.
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First steps to boosting low self-confidence
Low self-esteem is based on judging yourself in a pessimistic way. Thus negative beliefs about yourself emerge, which can have an impact in many aspects of your life. It is important to note that these negative beliefs are not facts but rather opinions that are based on your life experiences
Learn to notice your self-critical thinking, for example 'I am a failure', and deal with it immediately by substituting them with realistic ones, such as 'I may have failed in some situations, but that does not mean I can't succeed in others.'
Avoid trying to be like someone else, as this feeds your lack of self-worth and confidence. Remember you are unique and no matter what you try to do you cannot be someone else. Aim to strive to better yourself, but don't criticise yourself for not being as beautiful, as slim, as successful or as popular as someone else. It is your uniqueness that gives freshness and vitality to any relationship that you have. It is the authentic you that people will love.
Depression: The facts
· Depression affects one in six people in the UK.
· According to research by the London School of Economics only one in four people who suffer from depression or chronic anxiety receive treatment.
· The South Pacific island of Vanuatu is the happiest country in the world, according to the New Economics Foundation and Friends of the Earth's Happy Planet Index. The UK came in 108th.
· A 2006 BBC/GfK NOP poll found that just 36 per cent of British people now feel 'very happy' - in 1957 the figure was 52 per cent.
· The UK's first 'laughter clinic' was set up in 1991 by psychologist and psychotherapist Robert Holden, with funding from the NHS.
· Two in five Britons report that they frequently feel stressed, according to an Ipsos poll.
The career-changer
Elaine Hilides, 47, is single with two daughters, aged 21 and 23. She works as an administrator at a university, but is determined to find a more fulfilling job
'I work with wonderful people, but I don't want to do my job for the rest of my working life - in fact, the thought fills me with horror!' Elaine Hilides is having a career crisis. 'I'm not excited about life at all and feel completely demotivated.'
Elaine administrates an MA in Education. 'I enjoy the subject - I have an MA in English Literature, which I studied for as a mature student. But I can't help feeling I want to do something more creative. Plus, there isn't much scope to progress - or to increase my salary: I have massive debts and a large mortgage.'
Growing up in south London, Elaine was encouraged by her parents to leave school after her A-levels to become a secretary. She married and her twenties were devoted to bringing up children. Later, she spent eight years studying English Literature part-time, but the priority was to earn a living. Now she has a catalyst for change. Elaine is amicably divorced with two grown-up daughters, but more recently she split up from her partner of three-and-a-half years, which has left her feeling low. 'I think we both knew we knew we weren't "the one",' she says. 'We probably worked better as friends but, even so, it feels like a loss.'
Despite her interest in therapy and personal development - she has taken courses in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Thought Field Training (TFT) - Elaine admits she is finding it hard to move her life forward. Rather than ricocheting into a new affair, she knows she needs to take stock of her life. 'Being in a relationship can make you lazy, you don't have to think for yourself. When you suddenly find yourself on your own, you have to positively make plans to do things.' When The Observer offered her the chance to work with life coach Fiona Harrold she readily accepted. 'I know quite a lot about therapy, but even in the first session Fiona was asking me questions I couldn't answer. Things like, "What are you good at?" and "What are you frightened of?" I actually felt quite tearful, but I could see I was being pushed to recognise things I'd buried deep. In a positive way.'
By session one, Elaine realised the solution lay close to home. 'Fiona helped me confront the fact that actually I've always wanted to write. I have always written short stories, but I've never done anything with them. I was held back by thoughts like, "Who does she think she is?" But Fiona has encouraged me not to be embarrassed by my ambitions. Earning my living as a writer would be my dream career move. It doesn't have to be a Booker Prize-winner, but I'd love to write a published novel.'
The expert
Fiona Harrold, one of the UK's best-known life coaches, has written a number of best-selling books. She runs an online coaching company
These days, a mid-life crisis often happens between the ages of 42 and 47. You think, 'OK, I've got one chance to change my job, or have another kid' (or even your first). It used to happen at 35, but these days you might only just have finished university by then.
Elaine is at exactly the right point in her life for coaching. It's not a talking therapy; it's a really dynamic, hit-the-ground-running approach, to identify what your issues and obstacles are in order to come up with goals and solutions pretty quickly. Having a coach to focus on you - just you - is quite a different kettle of fish from reading self-help books. It is for people who are happy to challenge themselves.
Thankfully Elaine falls into that category. She is brave enough to recognise that going into another relationship would only be a distraction from her career at the moment. When people lose their crutch - whether it's watching TV or being with the wrong person - they have to think, 'My God, this is my life ... this is it.'
In the first session, which was on the phone, I investigated how her thoughts and beliefs were setting her up for the next 20 years. I asked her, if she could do anything, what would it be? She found that difficult to answer, but I wasn't surprised. Sometimes it can be hard for people to identify that ideal life: their expectations are so low, they just put up with what they've got. So then I have to shake them up with another question: 'If you won the Lottery and didn't have to go in and do this job, what would you do?'
Elaine was stuck with that, too, which was a little bit shocking, but we got there. It turns out she'd like to write for a living, as she's been writing stories for friends since she was nine. People used to commission her to write for them. I started by getting Elaine to take herself more seriously: no more giggling, let's not do that. In terms of her writing, I gave her specific homework. We talked about the structure that her writing should follow. I said, 'OK, let's talk about the novel. We need to think about 20 chapters; we need a word count of between 80,000 and 100,000 words. Break that down into 5,000 words a chapter. Can you put in half an hour each day?'
I explained there will be a huge amount of rewriting. It may help to pay a mentor in the industry to comment on her work. Elaine said, 'But I always thought that was cheating!' But writing isn't something that pours out of you as pure gold. You have a natural aptitude for it, then you learn. I also want her to write a clear three-page synopsis of her novel, which we can show to an agent later: at the moment her synopsis is far too dense. So that's our deal. The good thing is she can stay in her job, which is relatively stress-free, while she writes the book.
I really believe Elaine can write popular fiction that sells. For God's sake, she's already been writing stories for more than 30 years.
· Fiona Harrold's latest book The Seven Rules of Success (£7.99, Hodder) is out now
First steps to changing your career
Ask yourself, 'What makes me special? Is it my energy, drive and enthusiasm? My ability to inspire and motivate?' Next, identify the things you can do/are capable of doing right now, eg writing, public speaking, coaching. Now you have identified your key qualities and skills.
Make sure you have a Big Picture, a far-reaching vision, for your life. This will give you an overall sense of direction. But big pictures like 'I want to go into politics and become Prime Minister' have a tendency to sound rather far-fetched, so it is best to keep them to yourself. It's also far better to live out that purpose - by getting involved with your local party, for instance - rather than talking about it.
List anything in your life that lowers your energy. I always ask clients for the first name of the person - it might be your ex-boss or ex-lover, or your aunt - who you think is going to do the sniggering. If you confront your demons, they lose the power to hurt.
Career changing: The facts
· Men and women still follow very different career paths. The Office of National Statistics has found that 22 per cent of women in employment do administrative or secretarial work compared with 5 per cent of men
· Sixty per cent of people check jobsites on the internet while they're supposed to be working, according to online learning provider SkillSoft. It also found that almost a third of workers have no loyalty to the organisation they work for.
· In 2005, 1m 'careers and success' books were bought in the UK
The heavyweight
Mark Spry, 42, is a transport engineer and lives in Luton. He weighs 14st 2lb and has a target weight of 11st 7lb
Every time Mark Spry steps on the scales they tell him he has to lose weight. 'I'm 5ft 8in and over 14st. That's not good.' Then there's his girlfriend, his colleagues, his relatives and, most recently, his GP. 'I'd been getting pains in my liver, which I thought was down to too much alcohol,' explains Mark. 'So I went for some tests. It turned out everything was fine - except my cholesterol count.'
Spry was 30 when his weight started to increase, since when it has gone up by roughly a third of a stone per year. 'I was slim, fit and active during my twenties and weighed 10st 4lb. But then I got a job that was really sedentary. I didn't notice the pounds going on until my late thirties, when I went to buy a shirt. I remember putting on a medium and the shop assistant saying it was "a bit tight, sir".'
It was in the summer of 2004 that the extent of his supersization really hit home. 'I was playing cricket with some friends and one, who hadn't seen me in a while, said, "Mark, what have you been doing?" I laughed it off, but that remark stayed with me.' Comments from his girlfriend, Sharon, 45, linger too. 'She's been encouraging me to slim. It would be fair to say I'll be happy when she stops calling me "Fatboy Spry".'
Mark realises he needs to exercise more, and his diet needs a major overhaul, too. 'I don't comfort-eat, I just see food as fuel. But I eat a lot of greasy-spoon breakfasts and go to the pub after work two or three nights a week, have a couple of pints, crisps, peanuts ... Then I'll pick up a Chinese take-out on the way home.'
While Mark isn't enamoured of the idea of a low-calorie life, he's fired up with two clear goals in sight. 'First, I want to get healthy, and back down to 11st 7lb. Second, I want to be able to bowl for my cricket club for at least 10 overs. At the moment I'm puffed out after four. The way I see it, this is like half-time for me. I'm 42. So this is the period where I pause, get my orange segments, and the coach tells me what I need to do in the second half. And I am ready and prepared to do whatever I'm told.'
The expert
Amelia Watts is a holistic exercise coach based in London
When it comes to weight gain, everyone has a point when they hit rock bottom emotionally and realise, 'I have to do something.' Mark is at that point. But that's no bad thing - it means he's incredibly motivated, ready to try. He also knows roughly where he's going wrong - the lack of exercise, the takeaways - which is a step ahead of most people. His goal is to reach 11st 7lb which, considering a healthy rate of weight loss is 1lb to 2lb a week, is a long-term goal. I can't say specifically how I'll help him reach it until we've done a body analysis. The analysis looks at everything from diet and exercise to sleep patterns, posture, the strength of his muscles and heart - the lot.
What I do know at this stage, though, is that he needs to do a lot more regular exercise. He's just not burning enough calories - he wouldn't be even if he was sticking to the recommended 2,500 per day. So I will design him five half-hour exercise programmes to do per week.
As for his diet, I want him to stop relying on convenience foods and start freshly preparing his meals. Rather than sticking to a restricted calorie count, I will look at the quality and quantity of what he eats: the types of fats he's consuming, the additives and sugar content of his meals. But I may severely limit his alcohol intake. Alcohol is all 'empty' calories - your body can't store the energy, it has to use it immediately. The knock-on effect of this is that when you do eat, all the calories from the food are stored as fat, because your body is still using the calories from the alcohol. The great thing is that when Mark does slim down, he'll have so much more energy. He'll be fitter, leaner and healthier, his sex life will improve, he'll be less stressed and better able to concentrate. His looks will get a boost too - his hair will get shinier, his skin will get clearer and the dark circles under his eyes will disappear. Basically, he'll be a younger man, inside and out.
First steps to weight loss
Think 'accumulative'. If you're pushed for time, forget the 'one hour, three times a week' approach to exercise. Even if you only have five minutes spare, go for a walk - it will all add up.
Go organic. Research suggests that toxic additives can actually inhibit weight loss. We store toxins in our body fat, and the body doesn't want those toxins released, so it tends to hold on to that fat.
Ditch the 'But sir, I forgot my gym kit' excuse. Pack your trainers the night before and place them by the front door. And pop a Post-it note on your bathroom mirror reminding yourself to take that walk.
Weight loss: The facts
· Obesity costs the NHS £1bn a year and the economy an extra £2.6bn. Obesity causes 9,000 premature deaths a year in England.
· The 2005 National Diet and Nutrition Survey found that Britain was the fattest nation in Europe: 66 per cent of men and 60 per cent of women are overweight or obese.
· According to the Department of Health, 24m adults are now either overweight or obese, a figure which has trebled since the Eighties.
The debtors
Aliyyah Balson is a 26-year-old part-time architecture student who is £15,000 in debt. Her husband, Shafiq Porter, has debts of £12,500. They've been married for one year
Shafiq Porter and Aliyyah Balson have just moved to Bradford, but can't afford a deposit on a house. The couple are certainly not extravagant - 80 per cent of their debts stem from student loans - but they are finding it hard to keep their heads above water. Aliyyah has even considered giving up university, even though she knows a degree will improve her career prospects. 'I never had any debt before I entered higher education,' she says. 'In fact, for my first year of university I was still debt-free. I was a mature student so I had some savings. In my second year, however, things got more difficult. I decided to take on a student loan of £3,000. It's snowballed from there.
'I'm only in the second year of my degree, but I decided to go part-time this year. I find the loan doesn't really meet my living costs, even when it's topped up by me working part-time as an outreach development co-ordinator [for the Supporting Opportunities for Women project]. On top of my £15,000 loan, I owe £2,000 for my overdraft and another £1,000 on my credit card.'
Aliyyah finds it painful that she has begun the first year of her marriage with major debts - especially as she had a good lifestyle when she worked full-time as an IT trainer before beginning her university degree. New clothes are out of the question, and last year it was upsetting when Shafiq's grandfather was dying as they couldn't afford two flights to America.
Shafiq has his own financial commitments to worry about. 'I studied for a four-year degree in Intercultural Studies back home in America. Even though I was awarded a full scholarship, there were some loans that I found I had to take out. By the time I started my MA, I owed around £12,500.'
The couple fell in love when Aliyyah was visiting her relatives in America. At first they planned to marry after she had graduated, but when she realised she would take longer to finish her degree, they decided it would be best for him to move to the UK and help support her.
They describe themselves as a 'typical, modern Muslim couple'. In keeping with tradition, Aliyyah did not take his name when they married, and Shafiq is in the process of paying a dowry to Aliyyah over the next four years. However, Shafiq is still looking for a new job after their move to Yorkshire.
The couple have been actively trying to tackle their debts. 'I'd been looking at financial advice websites like Motley Fool, which give you advice on the best credit card deals and mortgages,' says Aliyyah. So they jumped at the chance to work with financial coach Carmel Warren. They decided to get help as a couple, as they run their money as a team.
After one session they are full of hope. 'Carmel has been fantastically inspiring about how we can boost our income, as well as identifying areas where we are throwing away money,' says Aliyyah. 'She's encouraged us to transfer to credit cards with lower interest rates, and go through our bank statements every quarter. I discovered I've been paying for a mobile phone I no longer have, while my husband is paying for internet dial-up services he hasn't been using for four years.'
The expert
Financial coach Carmel Warren is a chartered accountant
The most striking thing about Aliyyah and Shafiq is that they really don't spend very much. Although there are a few tweaks to make where they can save money, the best way for them to pay off their debt is to increase their earnings. As young people with no children to worry about, both with a university education and wanting to do well, they have huge opportunities to increase their revenue.
Before I start working with clients I explain I am not an independent financial adviser (IFA). I can look at things that would be sensible - ie how to begin to save, how to spend less, earn more and reduce interest rates - but I cannot tell them which specific product would meet their needs. They either have to decide for themselves or contact an IFA.
To start the coaching process, I take my clients through a seven-step plan. I guide them through the following stages: evaluate where you really are now; find out where your money goes; find out what you believe about money; identify your goals; look at how to decrease your costs, and increase your income. Finally I look at something I call 'automatic future' - easy saving, pensions, shares and investment properties that will run themselves.
Taking the time to evaluate where you are often surprises people. Aliyyah and Shafiq found they owed 22 per cent more than they thought. We also identified several areas where they could make changes quickly. Shafiq is paying HP on a car in the US, so he needs to sell it.
Assessing your attitude towards money has an important effect on your finances, too. We've all heard stories of rich people who lost it all only to get it all back again. I explained to Aliyyah and Shafiq that what they believe about their financial position and how they treat money will impact on their earnings and investments. There is no surprise that rich people like money, they feel comfortable around it and keep an eye on how their investments are doing. The question is which came first - their wealth, or their ability to feel comfortable making financial decisions?
The most important step for both of them is to increase their earnings. I asked them to think about skills they have that people are willing to pay for. Although Shafiq's an American college graduate he was only earning £25,000 in his last job. And yet he is trained to work with children with disabilities. He is now thinking about working as a consultant with companies to help get their websites compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act. Meanwhile, Aliyyah started studying engineering before she moved across to architecture and refurbished the basement of her mother's house. She oversaw the wiring, electrics, heating and a new bathroom. I told her she could put a flyer through the door of every house in the street and say, 'I'll up the value of your house by X pounds.' She can then charge the homeowners £2,000 for each property she supervises.
As soon as Aliyyah and Shafiq are earning more, they can begin saving to buy a property. This could be a fantastic year for them.
First steps to tackling debt
Plug the holes. Stop paying for things you're not using.
Check what you owe. Ensure you have set up direct-debit payments - you don't want to throw away money by getting charged for paying late.
Increase your earnings. Find out how you can get that promotion this year, set up your own small business in the evening, or earn from your hobby.
Debt: The facts
· The Citizens Advice Bureau for England and Wales dealt with 1,437,000 debt-related problems in 2005, - more than a quarter of all queries.
· Personal debt in the UK is estimated at £1.25 trillion, the equivalent of £50,000 per household.
· Credit Action calculates that Britain's personal debt increases by £1m every four minutes.