A doctor who allegedly told a woman seeking contraceptive advice to go and see an exorcist, today faces a disciplinary hearing.
The General Medical Council (GMC), which regulates all UK doctors, is to investigate allegations that the GP, Joyce Pratt, told a woman seeking contraceptive advice that she was under a black magic spell.
Dr Pratt, who works at several London family planning clinics, is said to have told the woman she "had something awful inside her" stomach.
She then allegedly offered to use her special powers to help the woman and told her to visit a priest at Westminster Cathedral, believing the patient was possessed by an evil spirit.
The three-day GMC fitness to practise hearing in Manchester will also investigate accusations that the GP told the patient her mother was a witch, and that the patient's husband and mother were trying to kill her.
Dr Pratt, from Birmingham, is charged with acting in a manner that was "irresponsible, unprofessional, intimidatory to her patient and liable to bring the profession into disrepute".
She is also accused of not cooperating with her employer and primary care trust when they investigated the claims.