Emma Mitchell 

Ask Emma

Your questions answered by Emma Mitchell, natural health therapist.

My husband works very hard, and smokes and drinks a lot. He suffers from insomnia, and his GP has put this down to stress, suggesting sleeping pills. How can I help him?

Reiki is a gentle touch therapy that encourages the body to heal and instils a sense of relaxation. It could reduce your husband's stress and help him sleep. It can also allow personal change, for example, by reducing feelings of need for alcohol and tobacco. It works effectively alongside orthodox medicine and natural remedies. You could find a local therapist but it is also relatively easy to learn. To find out more contact the UK Reiki Federation on 01264 773774 (reikifed.co.uk).

After struggling for years with IBS, I no longer work long hours, nor do I have to commute. However, the charcoal remedy available at health food shops does not help with the bloat and I am still uncomfortable. Could you suggest another remedy?

A trial carried out at two Danish hospitals found that oil of peppermint reduces the symptoms in most cases of IBS. It alleviates nausea and gas, soothes and relaxes the muscles of the stomach and intestines, is antiseptic and aids digestion. Obbekjaers peppermint capsules have 200mg of pure oil and are available from good health food stores or online from healthremedies.co.uk. Gradually increase dietary fibre from non-wheat sources such as fruit, vegetables, oats and psyllium husks (wheat allergy is a common contributing factor in IBS). The fibre only works if you drink enough water - at least eight large glasses a day. A detailed daily diary of foods eaten and symptoms will highlight possible triggers.

· Emma Mitchell is a natural health therapist. Before following Emma's recommendations, you should consult your GP about any medical problems or special health conditions.

Send your questions to Wellbeing, Guardian Weekend, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Email: ask.emma@theguardian.com.


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