I love breastfeeding, but some people disapprove of my "still" breastfeeding E now that she's two. One family member makes no bones about the fact that she doesn't think it's right, especially in public. Just the other day she told me not to feed E in a hospital waiting room, and I didn't. I'm ashamed to say I let her cry. I've developed a fairly thick skin, but that upset me. It's times like those that I really appreciate my partner's support for what I'm doing.
It's such an emotive subject – when someone tells me I'm feeding my child the wrong thing at the wrong age, what I really hear is, "Motherhood – you're not doing it right." After E turned one, I noticed a decline in the tender smiles from strangers and an increase in the double-takes. People aren't used to seeing a mother breastfeeding her toddler. Sometimes I feel like a freak show – people have looked genuinely embarrassed for me, but I've yet to hear a good reason to stop. Why should I be made to feel that something so special between my daughter and me (not to mention good for her health) should be kept a secret or, worse, given up?
A while ago I caught myself setting arbitrary time frames within which I would stop breastfeeding E in public, and then at home, too. I'm glad I ignored that idea. I will breastfeed E for as long as it's right for the both of us and I'll carry on in the spirit in which I started – by taking each day as it comes.
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