Many of us will have enduring childhood memories of being urged to eat our greens. Happily, this long-held nutritional mantra turns out to have some basis in science: research has revealed that green vegetables pack a greater nutritional punch than more anaemic-looking produce, such as potatoes and swede. One vegetable I rate as an especially heavy hitter in this respect is broccoli. Broccoli's intensely green hue hints strongly at its nutritional potential, so no wonder that scientists have discovered it to be rich in a plethora of disease-protective nutrients.
Many of the health-giving properties vegetables offer are often ascribed to the vitamins and minerals they contain. However, apart from these nutrients, vegetables are also rich in a class of substances known as phytochemicals. While less well known than vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals nonetheless have the capacity to wield significant biochemical power in the body. Research conducted over the past decade has revealed that broccoli is brimming with two phytochemicals known as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Scientists have discovered that both of these substances stimulate enzymes that help to deactivate cancer-causing substances in the body. Not only that, but there is increasing evidence that filling up on broccoli (and other vegetables from the same plant family, such as sprouts and cabbage) may help to reduce our risk of succumbing to cancer.
Recently, I3C has been the subject of particular scientific attention. It appears that some of this compound's benefits centre around its effect on the hormone oestrogen. Oestrogen comes in several different forms in the body, some of which are believed to stimulate the development of certain cancers, such as those of the breast, uterus and maybe cervix. I3C has been found to help take the sting out of oestrogen by assisting its transformation into less-toxic forms. In animal studies, I3C has been found to reduce the number and size of tumours induced by cancer-causing substances. Work in humans has also produced encouraging results: one study found that I3C taken for 12 weeks reversed the early stages of cervical cancer in eight out of 17 women.
Another important nutrient that broccoli has in its arsenal is folic acid. Famed for its ability to help prevent birth defects such as spina bifida, folic acid is believed to help reduce the risk of colon cancer, too. Other benefits from folic acid appear to come from its effect on a substance called homocysteine in the body. High levels of homocysteine are linked with an increased risk of several conditions, including heart disease, stroke, dementia and osteoporosis. Folic acid found in broccoli helps quell homocysteine levels, and in so doing may help keep us free of disease and fighting fit in the long term.
To get maximum nutritional benefit from broccoli, it is important for our bodies to get hold of the nutrients it contains. Steaming broccoli for about seven minutes and chewing it well is probably the best way to get all the goodness this vegetable has to offer.
Nutrition news
More people on this planet drink tea than any other drink bar water. Individuals partial to the odd brew might be interested to learn of two recent studies that examined the effects of regular tea consumption on health.
One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that individuals drinking three or more cups of tea each day had a 43 per cent reduced risk of heart attack compared to those who drank no tea at all. Another study, this time published in the Archives of Internal Medicine , found that long-term tea consumption was associated with improved bone strength. While it is no doubt possible to get too much of a good thing, these studies suggest that regular, moderate tea-drinking might actually do us some good in the long term.
Dear John
I have gingivitis. I brush and floss my teeth regularly, and my dentist thinks I'm doing all I can to control this problem. Is there anything else that might help?
Larry Fahey, Tonbridge, Kent
Gingivitis is a condition characterised by red swollen gums that bleed easily. The condition may be caused by a bacterial infection where the gum and tooth meet, and is often related to the build-up of plaque in this area. Vitamin C and substances called bioflavonoids are said to be important for gum health, and eating lots of fruit and vegetables will ensure you get these nutrients in your diet. Supplementation may help, too. One study showed that 300mg each of vitamin C and bioflavonoids taken daily improved gum tissue health.
Another nutrient which has been shown to resolve gingivitis is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This vitamin-like substance participates in the processes that generate energy within the body's cells, and has also been shown to improve the health of the gums. Take at least 25mg of CoQ10, twice a day.
Finally, try the toothpaste Aloe Dent. This contains aloe vera (soothes the gums), tea tree oil and Coenzyme Q10. Available in health food stores.