Say goodbye to using the lift, forget munching biscuits at business meetings and don't even think about nipping out of the office for a pub lunch. Instead get ready for a new era of lunchtime walks, offering clients sliced apple and having a spot of massage at your desk to relieve stress.
These are some of the changes to the habits of Britain's 30 million employees that the Government hopes will help make the country fitter, healthier and less obese. A new Department of Health-funded 'workplace wellness' campaign wants offices, factories and call centres to become bastions of healthy living.
Under the scheme, called Well@Work, workers are being offered up to £200 to do 'alternative therapy' courses, encouraged to learn how to stretch and asked to pedal rather than drive in to work. About 8,500 employees are already taking part in a two-year research study, involving nine pilot projects across England, which will form the basis of new government guidelines on using work time to take part in healthy activities.
Dozens of employers have signed up, from an insurance company call centre to confectioners Masterfoods in Slough. They are overhauling the food offered in their canteens, buying fitness equipment for staff to borrow and organising advice sessions for heavy drinkers.
'Over half the UK population works and people spend up to 60 per cent of their waking lives at work, yet the workplace is underused as a health-promoting environment', said Ceri Jones of the British Heart Foundation, which has helped draw up and co-fund the programme along with Sport England and health officials. 'We see workplaces as an opportunity for employers to play a major role in helping staff become healthier and more active.'
Exeter City Council, for example, has just bought three treadmills so that its 20 security staff can enjoy a spot of exercise while they study rows of television screens relaying CCTV footage, rather than sitting at desks for long hours. The council, one of the first employers to get involved in Well@Work back in April, now has scores of its 843 staff taking part in lunchtime Pilates, badminton and football sessions.
'Our 20 security staff have very sedentary jobs, so now they can use the treadmills to exercise and work at the same time. We hope they improve their job performance and their health', said Richard Pears, the project manager for what the council calls its BActive4Life initiative. Other changes include healthier products in vending machines and lunchtime games such as mini-table tennis.
Mark Waddams, the council's landscape and tree officer, said that realising that he had turned into 'a totally unfit slob' prompted him to ask last month about his employer's 'pool bike' scheme, whereby staff can borrow a bicycle to get to and from work. He now makes the 26-mile round trip to Exeter from his home in Dawlish, south Devon, three or four days a week.
'I'd stopped doing any exercise and begun eating junk food, smoking and drinking too much. Going through the questionnaire we were sent about the project forced me to accept how unhealthy I'd become', he said. 'I'm 46, with two boys under three. I began thinking, "if you're not careful here, you're going to be popping your clogs before the kids get to any kind of age".'
Initially reaching work took him almost two hours; now it's 40 to 60 minutes - exactly the same time as if he were driving. He uses his own bike, has quit his 15-a-day habit and pulls his belt one notch tighter. 'I feel more alert when I get to work because I've been pedalling through fresh air, not sitting in the car smoking and getting frustrated,' added Waddams.
AMEC, the international project management company, is about to test the patience of its 150 workers in Darlington. It plans to replace the crisps and fizzy drinks in its vending machines with dried fruit and nuts, stage 'healthy cookery' displays and reduce stress by running courses in the Alexander Technique, which involves stretching and deep breathing.
Bill Callaghan, the chair of the Health and Safety Executive, will this week ask employers to do more to combat work-related stress, which is estimated to cost the economy £353 million a year.
Callaghan will target the five sectors containing the most stressed workers: health, education, government, local government and financial services.
What's out ...
· Lunchbreaks in a café or pub or at your desk
· Watching CCTV monitors in a hut
· Lift to the sixth floor, please
· Biscuits at meetings
· Smoking rooms, fag breaks
· Chips in the works canteen
· Endless hours spent sitting at your desk in front of a computer
· Taking the car, bus or train to work
· Crisps and fizzy drinks in vending machines
· Stress and frustration of meeting deadlines, juggling too many chores and dealing with annoying colleagues
... And in
· Lunchtime walks, yoga and Pilates classes
· Work out on a treadmill or exercise bike while you study those screens
· 'Ban the lift'weeks - walk instead
· Sliced fruit, grapes, packets of nuts and cereal bars
· 'Stop smoking' advice sessions
· Healthier menus and displays by chefs on how to make easy-to-cook healthy meals
· Subsidised gym memberships
· Borrowing one of your employer's 'pool bikes'
· Grants to attend 'alternative therapy' course in, for example, massage or the Alexander Technique