Craig Taylor 

Are you happy?

Kate Drummond, ice-cream vendor

I can hear them running down the prom shouting, 'Ice cream, ice cream!' The kids want chocolate sauce and raspberry sauce. Older people want plain vanilla, no toppings. They remember what ice cream used to be, and a lot of the appeal is in the memories they have of the seaside.

I like old things. I wanted an old car, but an old ice-cream van is just as good. I saw an advert and bought it two and a half years ago. I didn't want to drive through streets - I needed to be part of the traditional seaside scene. I came to Morecambe because my best friend moved here and I wanted to be close to my godsons.

What I do in the van is a simple transaction. I give people ice cream. They go away happy. I'm happiest on those days that aren't frantically busy. I like to put up my bunting, put out my pictures and dress up the van. When it's slow, I can sit and look out at the water, the different light and the Lake District in the background.

Happiness comes in the accumulation of little things - a nice hot bath or spending time with my godsons. Toppings make people happy. Children love to add toppings. Some people charge extra for them. Charging for toppings means you must be in a sorry state of affairs.

Ice cream is a good indicator of happiness. You know when it's made children happy. It's dribbling down their chins.


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