Q: My partner is 34 and has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He's taking tablets for it (Metformin and Gliclazide) and monitors his blood glucose levels by pricking his finger, absorbing a drop of blood with a test strip and inserting the strip into a meter. He wasn't overweight, but he was under a lot of stress at work and didn't exercise, which I understand may contribute to diabetes. At first he was shocked that his lifestyle had affected his health, but he has now cut out sugary snacks and cut down on saturated fats and alcohol. He also joined a gym and works out five or six times a week after work - and his blood glucose levels have come down.
The Physiologist
Type 2 diabetes most commonly occurs in people over 40 (or over 25 if you're black/Asian/from a minority ethnic group), with one or more risk factors such as being overweight (80 per cent of people diagnosed are overweight) or having close-family history - and it's now more common in younger people because of the obesity epidemic. Your partner did not weigh too much, but being sedentary may contribute to type 2 diabetes. It's great that he is exercising, as this helps maintain weight, relieve stress and prevent heart disease (a common complication in this condition). Diabetes gets worse over time, but exercise will delay the decline and reduce reliance on medication. It's important that he's as active as possible all day, too, eg taking the stairs instead of the lift - active muscles play a key part in regulating blood glucose. It's also essential that your partner does exercise he enjoys in order to make it sustainable.
· Dr Michael Trenell is a Diabetes UK RD Lawrence Fellow at the Institute of Cellular Medicine, University of Newcastle
The diabetes nurse
Everyone with diabetes is entitled to attend a free structured education programme that covers all aspects of living with the condition and enables them to meet others in the same situation. Ask your GP to refer you, and visit www.desmond-project.org.uk or www.xpert-diabetes.org.uk. The course will teach you and your partner about diabetes management, including screening for complications - for example, his GP should regularly test his glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol, and he should see a podiatrist to check for nerve and blood vessel damage in his feet. Your partner also needs to have his eyes digitally photographed once a year to check for diabetic retinopathy, a common sight problem. Gliclazide can cause hypoglycaemia, so he'll be taught to recognise symptoms, like dizziness and sweating, and learn what to do. The course can also tell him where to access a psychologist or psychotherapist if needs be.
· Caroline Butler is a care adviser on the Diabetes UK Careline (0845 120 2960; www.diabetes.org.uk)
The specialist dietician
Your boyfriend has made positive changes, but if he's not overweight and he's exercising, he should ensure that he gets enough calories. There is nothing you can't eat if you have diabetes - everything in moderation is a good motto. Every meal should include some starchy carbohydrate (cereal, toast, sandwiches, pasta, rice or potato) to maintain a good glucose balance. They should be carbs that are low on the glycaemic index, which release energy slowly (eg oat-based cereals, granary bread and basmati rice - for more, go to www.bda.uk.com). Fruit is an ideal snack. He also needs to ensure that he tests his blood glucose before and after a workout (and even halfway through if it's a long one) so that he gets to know how his body responds. He must never exercise on an empty stomach and should drink unsweetened fruit juice during an intense workout to prevent his glucose level dropping too low.
· Kathleen Williams is a diabetes specialist dietician at Torbay Hospital
· Can you offer any other advice? Or do you have a health question for our experts? Email health@observer.co.uk