The way we move and position our bodies has been the subject of study since ancient times, when Roman orators were judged by their "manual rhetoric" as well as the quality of their words (limited gestures were thought to be a sign of a temperate character). Over the centuries psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists have made endless inventories of the significance of body language. Some experts believe non-verbal cues account for up to 70-80% of communication.
In recent years we have become fascinated by what our involuntary body language might reveal: analysis of politicians' physical tics and photographs of celebrity couples have become a media staple. Perhaps because of this, the study of body language - or kinesics, as it's also known - is considered imprecise or simplistic by many. That said, there are some examples of common postures and movements that are generally accepted to be good indicators of certain emotional states.
The way two people shake hands is thought to be a good indicator of the power balance in a relationship. Someone who pulls the other person towards them, clasps their hand over the top, or takes hold of that person's elbow with their other hand is generally, perhaps unconsciously, trying to assert dominance.
Placing anything between you and another person is seen as a sign of defensiveness. It may only be a small object, such as a pen on a table, or arms folded in front of you, but it still functions as a psychological barrier. Displaying this body language could be a sign of feeling threatened.
Personal space
We tend to have an unspoken rule about how close we can get to someone else. The study of proxemics examines the extent of our public space, social space, personal space and intimate space. A study conducted in 1966 found that the majority of westerners felt uneasy if a friend stood closer than 18 inches (45cm). Research has also suggested that this distance varies from country to country.
Eye contact
Sustained eye contact can make you appear confident and in control of a conversation, whereas averting your gaze can make you appear shy or submissive. Eye movement (and likewise, staring) is also loaded with meaning. Rolling your eyes could be interpreted as the visual form of a sigh, whereas glancing away or downward during a key point in a conversation can make you look dishonest or deceitful.
When we're attracted to someone, studies have shown that we often begin to imitate their posture or movements. "Mirroring" is thought to reflect a positive affirmation of behaviour. If you're trying to put someone at ease it can help to subtly mimic their posture or movements.
The rule of four
Any single movement that someone makes should not be read as a definite sign that they feel a certain way. Instead, where possible, you should look for four non-verbal indicators, that suggest a similar frame of mind and rule out quirks of habit or other anomalies.