It is for others to judge whether there is indeed a link between diet and violent behaviour (Tough on crime, to hell with the causes of crime if they make money, May 2). Our job as the broadcasting regulator is to protect viewers and listeners from exploitation and harm, and to ensure that they have available to them a wide range of programmes and services.
Ofcom's current consultation on the advertising of food and drink products to children set out various options, each of which would achieve a significant reduction in the volume of such advertising. This has to be seen as part of a much broader public policy initiative to combat the problem of child obesity. Our research demonstrated that while there is a direct link between advertising and children's food choices, it is modest when compared with all the other influences on children, and our proposals reflect that. The proposals have been informed by recent academic research into the causes of child obesity.
To support a claim that Ofcom is prepared to sacrifice the physical and psychological wellbeing of children to appease the commercial broadcasters, Mr Monbiot states that Ofcom held 29 meetings with food producers and advertisers and "just four" with health and consumer groups, implying that Ofcom is somehow biased towards the industry at the expense of the consumer. Neither the charge, nor the evidence, is true.
Ofcom met many organisations in its deliberations on this extremely complex issue. We responded positively to any request for a meeting including with those groups representing a very broad range of consumer views. Many of the meetings reported as with food advertisers were, in fact, with the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice, the advertising regulator with whom we share responsibility in this area.
George Monbiot cites a recent Which? report that is critical of Ofcom's proposals as it relates to children watching programmes outside children's programming. This evidence was already contained in our research of two years ago and explains why our options are built upon a requirement that all advertising for food and drink, wherever it is placed in the schedule, should be done responsibly and comply with toughened content rules. We have also included an option that would limit advertising outside children's airtime as well. We believe this is proportionate and consistent with the responses to our own research into what parents wanted. Less than half wanted a ban before the 9pm watershed.
Ofcom always seeks to be open and transparent. It became clear in our detailed discussions with a broad range of organisations that there is no clear consensus on the most appropriate course of action beyond a general agreement that some form of action is appropriate and necessary. Which action - and how this should be implemented - is the focus of the final stage of Ofcom's consultation.
We stand by the proposals we have put out for public consultation, and look forward to the responses. We hope they will be characterised by thoughtful engagement with the full complexity of the issue. Ofcom's consultation closes on June 6.
· Tim Suter is a partner at Ofcom, the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. Email:
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