Name: Genetic superheroes.
Age: Unknown.
Appearance: 13 people.
Super powers: Not being ill.
Oh, you mean like Wolverine, whose body heals itself at … No.
Or like Firestar, who can create intense heat without … No. Look, it’s mainly not getting diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
Oh, I see. Are they at least good-looking and dressed in a skintight costume? I suppose they might be.
Excellent. I’m going to imagine that they are. You do that.
Can I also point out that I don’t have cystic fibrosis either? Does that make me a genetic superhero? Possibly.
Cool! Cystic fibrosis is one many diseases which people develop because they are born with the genes required to develop it. By screening the DNA of 589,306 people, a new study found 13 “superheroes” who had the genes for one of eight serious diseases, but for some reason didn’t have the disease. For all we know, you could well be one.
Fantastic! I vow to use my powers for good. Thanks. Actually there is quite a lot that these people can do to help others. The researchers, Eric Schadt of the Icahn School of Medicine, New York, and Stephen Friend of Sage Bionetworks, assume that something else in these people’s bodies must prevent the disease developing, so by studying the superheroes in more detail they might find cures for others. There’s only one problem.
And that is? Their identity is a secret.
Well they’re superheroes. What did you expect? No, I mean the data wasn’t gathered with this study in mind. As a result we don’t have the full DNA sequence for any of the superheroes, and they did not give consent to be contacted afterwards.
So they’re out there, and they could help millions of people, but they don’t know about it and nobody is allowed to tell them? Frustrating, isn’t it?
Very. What can be done about it? Well, the researchers have set up a new study called the Resilience Project, aiming to collect more data, this time with proper consent forms. They will need a few hundred thousand volunteers, however …
Do say: “Your recessive heredity is no match for my gradually accumulated knowledge!”
Don’t say: “So we meet again, um… what did you say your name was?”