Luisa Dillner 

Should we all be drinking whisky in the bath, like Gwyneth Paltrow?

The Goop founder, who previously advocated inserting jade eggs into the vagina to restore energy levels, has revealed she likes a daily dram in the tub

Gwyneth Paltrow: learned ‘seven-day drinking’ in London.
Gwyneth Paltrow: learned ‘seven-day drinking’ in London. Photograph: AP

How best to ingratiate yourself with the British public when you are Gwyneth Paltrow and opening a Goop wellness shop in London? Insist you do the normal things in life. Such as unwinding in a bath with an alcoholic drink. Of course, Paltrow isn’t necking Glen’s vodka; her tipple is Japanese whisky and, as she rolls the smooth liquid around her tongue, savouring the delicate taste (less peaty than Scottish counterparts), at least she can think of its health benefits. Whisky may reduce the risk of stroke, cancer and diabetes. (Mind you, so may Glen’s.)

But is Paltrow’s daily dram in the tub something to emulate? Arguably it is no more advisable than her previous suggestion of sticking jade eggs up one’s vagina to restore energy levels.

“I’m a seven-days-a-week drinker,” says Paltrow, who also revealed she “learned that in London”. Not from the Royal College of Physicians she didn’t, which recommends two or three alcohol-free days a week.

More than 12.5 units of alcohol a week and you will shorten your life. A single shot of whisky is one unit – but Paltrow has a whole glass.

That said, during its ageing process, Japanese whisky (like scotch) accumulates high levels of ellagic acid, a polyphenol with antioxidant properties that could have anti-cancer potential. A small study found phenols from whisky are more rapidly absorbed than those from wine. But then so are phenols from green tea – and we don’t know if phenols from whisky have any health benefit or not.

Neat whisky is better for the waistline than combining it with a sugary mixer. But the blog Whiskey Bon advises you to drink neat whisky slowly or you could “undertake risky actions”.

Which is the main problem of drinking in the bath. In Japan, alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of dying in the bath which, according to one study, “occurs relatively frequently” in the country. Ideally, spirits and water should only be mixed in a glass – not the bathtub, Gwyneth.


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