For as long as men have been going bald, we’ve been trying to keep their hair on. Now, scientists are finally getting to the root of the problem. By Richard Godwin
She started a movement with one simple question: why should only small-boobed women go braless? Now, Eggerue has written a book she calls an antidote to the self-help scene
When I started losing my long, obsidian, Linkin Park hair, I shaved it all off. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, says freelance writer Tom Usher
Tech hasn’t always been female-friendly – but a new wave of apps is changing that. From contraception to workouts, here are the ones Guardian writers swear by
It’s often not taken particularly seriously, but acne affects 20% of women and can cause scarring in a fifth of those. But there are effective ways of treating it
How does the supermodel exercise? Can she cook? And what’s on the menu? (Spoiler: eggs, roasts and sometimes a bit of salad.) Here, she reveals her beauty secrets
If you have sensitive skin, doctors recommend moisturisers without fragrance or allergic ingredients, but terms such as ‘hypoallergenic’ and ‘dermatologist-recommended’ are often just marketing tools
The designer and her husband have become too posh to wash. And I’m not saying I look stunning, but people are definitely surprised when I say I’m in my 40s – is it because my skin remains unsullied by regular battles with water?