Playing doctors and nurses

Hepatitis, diabetes, cholesterol, chlamydia ... Go into any chemist today and there are shelves laden with home-testing kits. But are they a useful first-line tool for the well-worried, or a dangerous waste of time and money? Self-confessed hypochondriac John O'Connell puts his finger on the line

Blame it on the bacon

Mark Lawson: The latest commotion over diet and cancer suggests the hysteria bug has now infected doctors.

Loved and lost

G2 columnist Dina Rabinovitch, who died yesterday aged 44, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. As the cancer progressed - and she underwent increasingly experimental treatment - she wrote with honesty, courage and humour about the good times and the bad. Here, in extracts from her columns, we chart her journey from the shock of that first day to the final thoughts she shared about her adored family.

A sizeable problem

The Foresight report has produced a remarkable change of gear in the debate on obesity. The issue can no longer be ignored.

Armed with optimism

Alok Jha: New cancer figures shouldn't alarm us when knowledge about disease can help us reduce risk.