This is not about sex

A potentially life-saving vaccine against cervical cancer could be offered to all girls in their first year of secondary school. So will people please stop claiming that it's a green light to underage intercourse, says Kira Cochrane.

‘Well, I’m finally a size eight … ‘

G2 columnist Dina Rabinovitch was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2004. Since then the disease has recurred - and spread. As a book based on her experience is published, she reflects on her anger, the drugs and long afternoons in bed.

5 ways to … be breast-aware in pregnancy

Lucy Atkins: Breast Cancer Care advises all women to be 'breast aware' and report changes to their GP, but during pregnancy (and afterwards) breasts can do odd - often perfectly healthy - things.

Seeing the bigger picture

Ann Robinson: A dangerous notion has been developing in the media that thin people are good and fat people are bad.