Schools for sinners

Josh Lacey joins Tobias Jones's search for an alternative community in Utopian Dreams.

An intriguing example showing exemplary cunning

Oliver Burkeman: How To Win Friends And Influence People, the 1936 book that started the modern self-help movement, will be of particular benefit to you if you fall into any of the following categories ...

Do manners really maketh the woman?

Has the world gone to hell in a handbasket? Are 21st-century people little better than club-wielding barbarians? You would certainly think so from the avalanche of books on etiquette filling up our bookshops. In a rare fit of self-improvement, Lucy Mangan spent a week trying to live by their rules.

Slim hopes

Eating disorders can begin as a diet, because of childhood trauma, or just a burning wish to be size zero. They can be a killer - but they can also be overcome. Six young women describe their experience of wasting away and trying to get better.

The hidden assassin

PD Smith is moved by Adam Wishart's study of the history of cancer, inspired by his own father's death, One in Three.

Musings, in other words

Natasha Walter is disappointed by Adam Phillips's discourse on the relationship between psychoanalysis and fiction, Side Effects.

Train your tastebuds

Tom Jaine on Bad Food Britain | The Omnivore's Dilemma | Insatiable: Competitive Eating and the Big Fat American Dream

‘I don’t write to titillate. I censor like crazy to make my blogs less erotic’

Her anonymous sex blog was a runaway success; the book of the blog is a bestseller. But last weekend the true identity of author ‘Abby Lee’ was revealed - and her life was turned upside down. In her first interview, Zoe Margolis talks to Zoe Williams about porn, feminism and breaking the news of her secret writing career to her parents.