It starts with an attempted suicide on the road to Aberdeen and reaches its grand climax on the island of Gomera... Barefoot Doctor's latest book is less a self-help tome than a journey of self-discovery. Here, he reveals how he came to write Twisted Fables for Twisted Minds and why it will either 'heal you or make you go insane'.
Could a single trip on a piece of African rootbark help a junkie kick the habit? That was the claim in the 1960s, and now iboga is back in the spotlight. But is it a miracle cure? Daniel Pinchbeck decided to give it a go. And life, he says, will never be the same again...
When M Scott Peck wrote The Road Less Travelled 25 years ago, he brought the self-help book into our lives and taught us that all our problems were solvable. The book has been a bestseller ever since - but how has Peck's own life matched up? Edward Marriott finds him on a winding road.
Do you: a) smack him; b) ignore him; c) seek government advice; d) consult a parenting book: More and more parents are trusting parenting gurus? Amelia Hill reports.
Is it really possible to pig out on bacon and fried eggs and still look like Catherine Zeta-Jones? William Leith meets Robert Atkins, the world's most successful diet doctor.