Shock finding on salt levels in big-name brand foods Supermarket own-brand and 'value' ranges have far less salt than the famous names, UK study finds
A revolution in care Jackie Ashley: Conference season 09: Setting up a National Care Service would be equivalent to the creation of the NHS – now to tell the public what social care is
Doubt over ‘flat head syndrome’ fix Use of costly helmets to 'cure' misshapen heads in babies is unnecessary and exploits parental anxiety, say UK doctors. By Hilary Osborne
Doubts over helmet cure for ‘flat head syndrome’ in babies Bespoke helmets costing £2,000 are being promoted to cure flat head syndrome in babies. But the medical evidence surrounding their use is contentious
Patients warned against cosmetic surgery ‘tourism’ Poll reports surge in number of people suffering post-op complications on their return home in past 18 months
Battle of the breakfast table as cereal makers fight health warning TV ads Food Standards Agency to highlight fact 75% of salt eaten is in cereals, tomato ketchup, ready-made soup and bread
Dying for affordable healthcare — the uninsured speak Ed Pilkington travels to Quindaro, Kansas, to see how the poorest survive without healthcare provision
American healthcare is in truth already rationed Bee Lavender: Growing up sick in the US, and being treated by a humane NHS here, has shown me that Britain's system is far better
This NHS row is paralysing progress Zack Cooper: The US and UK should stop focusing on what's wrong with each other's healthcare and work out what they can teach each other
Thank heaven for the NHS Michele Hanson: How dare the Republicans bad-mouth our free healthcare system? If I'd been born in the US, I'd probably be dead by now