Salt not as damaging to health as previously thought, says study New research reignites a row with scientists who want to reduce salt intake to near zero
Fool’s gold: what fish oil is doing to our health and the planet Omega-3 is one of our favourite supplements – but a huge new study has found it has little or no benefit. How did it become a $30bn business?
Rosemary Ferguson: ‘I do realise my tastebuds are a bit warped’ The nutritionist and former model, 43, on feeling the same now as she did when she was 17, vanity and being a role model for her daughters
How do I get a six-pack? You asked Google – here’s the answer Every day millions of people ask Google life’s most difficult questions. Personal trainer Emma Oko answers this one
Scottish government plans restrictions on sugary and fatty foods Ministers’ plans to tackle obesity in some cases go further than health ministers in England
Supermarkets targeted in the battle against obesity Checkout offer bans and TV advertising watershed are key steps to tackle health crisis
Industrial trans fats must be removed from food supply, WHO says UN health agency says trans fats in snack foods, baked foods and fried foods are responsible for 500,000 deaths each year
Calling dietary guidelines ‘wrong’ ignores the science If we really want to fix our obesity problems, we have to make it easier for everyone to eat right
It’s right to tax sugar – but there are many reasons we yearn for something sweet Even if we are one day able to limit the damage caused by sugar, we all know its power will endure
Want to save the world from hunger? Start by not wasting food, shoppers told World Food Programme teams up with creative agency to encourage public to create meals from food that would otherwise go to waste