Dream-enactment disorder rose up to fourfold during pandemic, study finds Exclusive: Condition most prevalent among those who had Covid, raising possibility of link with Parkinson’s disease
Global heating is cutting sleep across the world, study finds Data shows people finding it harder to sleep, especially women and older people, with serious health impacts
Insomniacs in England to be offered app treatment instead of sleeping pills Sleepio was shown to be more effective at reducing insomnia than sleep hygiene and pills in data shown to Nice
‘My pain levels have completely dropped’: how medical marijuana changed my life Andrea Wright, diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia, is now having a proper night’s sleep
Poor sleep may hinder attempts to maintain weight loss, study finds Trial seems to add to body of evidence about health risks of not getting enough sleep or poor quality sleep
If you want to hit the sweet sleep spot, you’ve got to show it some respect Ditch the phone, ignore the emails, don’t touch the biscuit tin … and settle down for the recommended seven hours of zzzzz
Seven hours’ sleep is ideal amount in middle to old age, study finds Too much and too little sleep linked with worse cognitive performance and mental health
Can vodka, water and essential oils make an effective pillow spray? With a third of us experiencing sleep problems of some sort, maybe this can help …
Tonight in Britain the clocks will go forward – all except mine With the EU and US voting to scrap hour changes, I’m glad to see the world finally catching up with me, says Stefano Pavone, founder of anti-daylight savings movement Hora Solaris
Crib sheet: experts issue advice for new parents to cope with sleepless nights Durham University’s Infancy and Sleep Centre launches kit to help manage expectations and reduce negative thinking