This night owl would love to be a lark. The things I could do before midmorning … It’s a small miracle to wake up naturally feeling refreshed
Extreme night owls: ‘I can’t tell anyone what time I go to bed’ What happens when your natural sleeping pattern is at odds with the rest of the world?
Our pandemic subconscious: why we seem to be dreaming much more – and often of insects Stress can affect the quality and length of sleep. Scientists have been collecting dream data during the coronavirus crisis, with surprising results
Is coronavirus stress to blame for the rise in bizarre ‘lockdown dreams’? Many people are reporting unusually vivid dreams – and scientists think they could be a key way we process emotion, says Cambridge University neuroscientist Mary-Ellen Lynall
Good sleep hygiene is the new wellness goal. Try telling that to an eight-month-old baby If anyone is worrying that they only got seven and a half hours’ sleep last night, allow me to put that into perspective
Sometimes I need sleeping pills. Why can’t I ask for them? Doctors shouldn’t be consigning their patients to one kind of hell in order to avoid another
Sharp rise in hospital admissions for children with sleep disorders Exclusive: Cases for conditions such as insomnia almost double in England in seven years
‘He finds it hard to calm down’: one parent’s fight to get her child to sleep Despite restricting iPad and phone use, Clair Lyons’s son has long had trouble getting to sleep
Can a shaman cure my insomnia? I always rejected my mother’s ideas of chakras and balance. But on holiday in Bali, I saw a sign: healing this way