A US court verdict allowing an anti-abortion website to publish what many believe is a 'hit list' of doctors is a step too far for freedom of speech, argues Victor Keegan.
Department of Health staff will be able to read these words without fear of the sack - because technology "glasnost" in their section of the notoriously stuffy civil service now permits "free" use of the internet at work.
The government has launched a £500m plan to wire up the NHS to the internet revolution, with the aim of improving standards of care and speeding up access to treatment and health information.
Lu Youqing, who died last week, broke with centuries of Chinese tradition to write frankly about his cancer. His online diary touched thousands, reports John Gittings.
The NHS could save millions by ordering supplies and equipment over the internet. But, asks Michael Cross, will the health service part with post, fax and triplicate form-filling?
PSHE is a difficult subject with not enough time in the curriculum devoted to it. Phil Revell looks at ICT resources which might help make the job easier for teachers