Private school in Tulsa, Oklahoma, says bracelet it uses doesn’t contain GPS tracker but still monitors students at all hours as part of ‘whole person education’
You can control everything from your heating to your exercise routine with an app, so why not bluetooth your sex life? Robina Gibb reports on the latest tech from the Sexual Health Expo in Los Angeles
The Federal Trade Commission also issued a general warning that it is on the lookout for companies cashing in on the popularity of health-related mobile apps
Animal assisted therapy has expanded far beyond hospital waiting rooms – today, animals assist with physical therapy, help tutor children and provide comfort in disaster zones
Medications and treatments in the US are some of the most expensive in the world and people are increasingly turning to other options to help pay for it
The governor marked World Aids Day in the city that has endured more than three decades as the ‘epicenter of the disease’ with a passionate call to action