Campaigners celebrate as Plan B morning-after pill made available to all Contraceptive to be made available without prescription or age limit after Obama administration drops opposition
Coming soon: invasion of the marauding nymphomaniacs Naomi McAuliffe: Thanks to 'female Viagra' and government regulation, we women can enjoy sex again – just hopefully not too much
The US army is more than PTSD and sexual assault Don Gomez: Contrary to recent headlines, my army service has been about great Americans working together to solve problems
Would you let your daughter join the army? Kayla Williams: As a US veteran, I know that the military has a lot it needs to change for women, but there are also tremendous opportunities
‘Purity’ culture: bad for women, worse for survivors of sexual assault Jill Filipovic: Virginity has no bearing on a person's worth, yet 'purity balls' and shaming victims make our culture more medieval than modern
Pfizer will offer Viagra online in attempt to counter illicit pills Maker of erectile dysfunction treatment say counterfeit pills available online can contain printer ink and pesticides
FDA must comply with Plan B morning-after pill ruling, campaigners say Partnership for Civil Justice Fund will move for contempt if government does not make contraceptive pill available to all
Overturn US anti-prostitution pledge to support sex workers and combat HIV Chi Mgbako: Supreme court must put public health above misguided moralism and end Pepfar policy that stigmatises sex workers
The best of all possible worlds? Michael Cohen: Not yet, but as a UN report proves, we're making global progress. The other good news is that government really works
Young women and stress: how do you cope? Readers respond Ruth Spencer: Recent research showed that young women are feeling more stressed than men, so we asked you for your best tips to help